Ok, now i understand the plan.
D4 wants to take Deltathree private.
Question is, does Delathree agree or has a chance to fight against it, because they are already acquired and D4 holds 54%.
In question is also, will they change the cash offer to a higher price, because they don´t get any shares and it´s very strange to offer 50% below the market price and very unusual.
Before tax loss selling started it traded around .04
A Tender offer should be at a premium of the market price to have a chance to get any shares and this is the reason why some people still try to buy above .01.
We should hear what company has to say. No reason to sell one share into bid!
Offer a fair price if you want our shares, otherwise no shares for you and it will be delayed and more costs for you! Delta traded above .04 few months ago!