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Re: Alleyba1 post# 22188

Monday, 03/02/2015 11:30:48 PM

Monday, March 02, 2015 11:30:48 PM

Post# of 24848

Alleyba says........................

................that all members of this board should keep in mind what an excellent job the much maligned JZ has done in the last 2 years as a consultant for SCRC.

What a coincidence!!! JOSEPH ZAMPETTI's followers have been spreading this exact same mantra across the public universe for quite some time now... ...BUT, one thing they have always failed to actually state is WHAT exactly JOSEPH ZAMPETTI has done?

...I mean there is documented evidence that he and his "inner circle" of paid whores were compensated very handsomely by SCRC to pump the stock -- to the tune of 6M shares of 0.00 stock valued at approx $2.7M, that hit directly into SCRC's bottom line, that shareholders suffered from...

...and the historical tape clearly shows that his (and his "inner circle", LOL) reckless dumping of their free stock single-handedly cratered the sp back in Q4'13 and Q1'14, from which we have yet to fully-recover...

...and we know that JOSEPH ZAMPETTI has gone on record on multiple ocassions as hurling homophobic slurs as part of his promotional activities... please do shed some light on what exactly JOSEPH ZAMPETTI has done that has been of ANY benefit whatsoever to LEGITIMATE retail shareholders?

I would like to see over the next 4 months if FCA can duplicate the accomplishments of JZ.

Well, I certainly hope not, considering that every time JOSEPH ZAMPETTI and his gang of thieves touched SCRC, the sp cratered. Don't believe me (again)? Just go a few items down to see the FACTS that have been provided to this board about as many times as I have had to respond to the questions re: "What crime? I don't see any crime having been committed?"

It is an undisputed fact that if not for the tireless efforts by JZ

Sorry, JOSEPH ZAMPETTI spending 24/7 pumping and tape-painting doesn't count...

in raising money for he company

Please do explain further and provide ANY documentation supporting this. Considering that no details have been disclosed by SCRC on this matter, please explain what your source is and how you arrived at this conclusion?

...Or... ...are you referring to the horrific toxic financing that doled out a mind-boggling 22M shares of stock for a measly $1.1M??? 22M shares issued at a radioactive price of .05 -- a discount steeper than ANY discount SCRC has ever given to even professional financiers???

Oh yeah, I forgot, that $1.1M was the last $1.1M left on the face of the planet and BS Schneiderman obviously had NO OTHER ALTERNATIVES, right?

I mean, it's not like there aren't thousands of professional financiers ready and willing to enter into convert note financing with SCRC -- such as, for example, THE 39 OTHER FINANCIERS WHO HAD PREVIOUSLY ALREADY FINANCED SCRC.

And, please, no blathering about how "If SCRC had entered into even 1 more convert note, the sp would have fallen to quadruple zeros!!!" -- because history has already shown that NONE of the 39 convert notes that SCRC entered into in the past EVER impacted the sp, so you would be suggesting that somehow this 40th one would have caused the universe to collapse and fold over onto itself and obliterate SCRC. Please...

And this isn't even yet taking into consideration that with convert notes there is always the ability to paydown the note upon maturity, thereby AVOIDING dilution altogether -- and with the positive cash flow that Main Ave had been receiving throughout 2014, SCRC could have EASILY paid down any convert notes and eliminated completely any risk of further dilution to shareholders...

UNLIKE the toxic PIPE financing deal, which became 100% dilutive the moment the ink dried on the contracts, giving shareholders NO HOPE whatsoever and dooming shareholders to a living hell for over a year and counting now...

JZ has a lot to do with this companies rise in value.

Ummm, the historical tape very loudly screams otherwise...

Any investor who has any real interest at all in the truth is free to go look at the historical tape along with SCRC’s historical SEC filings. If one does, one will easily see that SCRC’s sp has cratered 5 times in its entire history – and ALL 5 TIMES have JOSEPH ZAMPETTI and his "inner circle" (LOL!) of fellow criminals' fingerprints all over them:

1.05 down to .081 during the summer of 2013 (the “D” part of the epic P&D that JOSEPH ZAMPETTI and over a dozen of his Section 17(b)-violating criminal group of promoters were paid $2.7M worth of 6M shares of FREE stock to orchestrate)

.42 down to .129 during end of OCT-2013 thru mid-NOV-2013 (when the first tranches of the 6M shares of FREE stock belonging to JOEY Z and this same criminal group unlocked and immediately began getting dumped)

.20 down to .091 during DEC-2014 thru beginning of JAN-2014 (when additional tranches of the 6M shares of FREE stock belonging to JOEY Z and this same criminal group unlocked and also got dumped)

.21 down to .09 during beginning of FEB-2014 thru beginning of MAR-2014 and eventually slowly bleeding down to .083 by mid-APR-2014 (when announcement of “imminent” regulatory approval for RapiMed in mainland China never occurred at the end of the 60-90 registration period that SCRC claimed it began on 11/1/13 (which is still on its website, for crying out loud) and for which JOEY Z, SEAN FITZGIBBONS, and the rest of his criminal group pumped to high heaven as the “mother of all catalysts”, including the creation of the ridiculous Countdown Clock (which is still ticking away, LOL…)

.165 down to .09 beginning mid-JUL-2014 to end-of-JUL-2014 and beginning a months-long trend of low liquidity slow bleeding down to .0821 (when the first tranches of the 22M shares of .05 PIPE stock belonging to JOEY Z and many of his criminal group of PIPE-holders began unlocking and immediately began getting dumped)

In fact, BEFORE JOEY Z ever got involved w/SCRC, the sp had spent most of its ENTIRE HISTORY comfortably in the .30x-.40x range… ...and look at us now...


Aggressive seller so far this morning.


Not just this morning, but apparently all day. Considering that all the financier-shares that were in the overhang that are priced to sell at the current sp levels are all gone already, it would seem that today's highly motivated selling would be from one or more of the following:

Holders of the .05 PIPE stock.

Traders who had bought in between .12-.14 (remember, aside from the 9M+ shares in this range that belonged to financiers, there was also 5M+ shares traded in this range that were bought by predominantly retail, of which the majority are traders) who see the bearish trend and are locking in profits now after watching them dwindle down to the 20%-40% levels.

Technical traders who had bought in at any price level who are willing to either cut their losses or lock in profits, regardless of how much it is, who are now selling strictly because the TA indicators are now telling them to do so -- just as they bought when the TA indicators were bullish and told them to do so back then as well.

There is also a fourth category, but I do not see this as likely at this point: The convert noteholders of the 12% notes who have had the ability to convert into shares priced at .17 at any time during the term of the note. We can piece together via the disclosures in the upcoming 10K as well as the following 10Q whether any may have converted, but even if they did, I would be very surprised if they sold out while the sp was under .20 (possibly some may have sold between .20x-.21x, but I wouldn't bet on much having sold).