1) Message: Dear Sir,
Do you know when there will come a update about the share structure and also the financials about the company?
SIPC : Dear Cliff,
The current total non-restricted shares is 105,737,488. Our total outstanding share is the same as the last report.
Our fiscal 2014 year end report is due on March 31. We aim to file the report before then.
Sipp Industries
On Tue, Feb 24, 2015 at 4:45 PM, Sipp Industries <>
2Message: Dear Sipc
Is it possible to buy a lighting system at your company? When do you think the company will communicate about the details and orders?
SIPC : Dear Cliff,
Yes, it is possible to purchase a lighting system from us. We are currently developing a lighter and lower cost fixture so we are not marketing the current design aggressively. However, you can still buy the current design if you wish or wait a couple weeks to purchase a lighter one.
Sipp Industries
3Message: Dear Sir,
What about the sales of the new system? There are already customers? Can you tell us whether we can expect an update in brief of the company. There is huge speculation on the truth of the product. A signal on this mail would be nice and greatly appreciated.
Best regards Cliff
Dear Cliff,
We are currently developing a lighter and lower cost fixture so we are not marketing the current design aggressively at the moment. However, the current design is available for sale or our customers can wait a couple weeks to purchase a lighter one. Most are opting to wait for the time being. We are excited about the new product and think it will be much better received due to its sleeker design and lighter weight.
Sipp Industries