"Sacrifice!, How much of your time, of yourself, are you willing to give to invest, to sacrifice to something that you want, need or desire.? To your mental, physical or spiritual improvement. What would you give to have a successful relationship with your health, fitness, career, family, or that special person in your life.? Time is your most valuable asset. It is the one thing you possess that enables you to acquire all your dreams, aspirations and goals. It is the one thing you can't buy or get back once you've spent it or let escape your grasp. None of us can know how much of it we have. Cherish it, enjoy every minute of it. Invest it and use it wisely, with focused and loving care. It is the substance and fabric that your happiness, contentment and memories of who you are, what you have, what you will be and what you have done with this gift of life are made of." MBR