DDSI: BREAKOUT Coming! Sells have dried up as you can see on the intraday charts. Buys at .0003 came in all day friday and L2 looks great!!! Check last PR of company for more info. With subs like RMDG , WGFL, QRVI, CCGI, and some others running on Friday, DDSI can easily get some strong momentum to bust loose and explode over previous highs with some buys come Monday. IMO, DDSI will run this week and money will be made. Charts look phenomenal and pose an excellent chance of a breakout this week.
Again L2 looks excellent, sells have dired up as the stock only touched .0002 on 2 baby sells on Friday compared to a huge load of buys. Check volume and do own DD. GLTA
2007 is my Year!!! BOOYAHHHHHHHH BABYYYYYYYYY!!! Lucky 07'----Goooo PANAMERSA