NCAR, ZERO2002, WHATHEN,WHITFISH...I REALLY ENJOY ALL OF your DD, I hope all of you realize and still have the hope/dreams when you first purchased shares of MYEC, cause I still do. MYECH'S progress is not at the pace we all like at this moment but time will tell, in the near future, that this company will change the America and internationa countries dealing with America.
you have witnessed MYEC signing new clients, hired more employees, expanding offices, and keeping us updated when they can on exciting news. let us be patience and not speculate on when the PRs, contention is of the Devil!
I do not have much money to play with MYEC, I gathered all my pennies from couches, floors, rooms, the streets and selling recycle products in order to play this stock. I am embarrassed to tell you how many shares I purchased/own, but it is all I got because I believe in MYEC, they will hit the HOME RUN FOR US! When that day come, I like to look up Zero2002 and taste all the items he just enticed me and then visit my other friend in Texas for Texas Gold and BLUE BELL! KEEP IT REAL FRIENDS! WHITEFISH, I AM A DRAGON GUY, DRAGONS eats fish, no offense to you, plz.