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Re: 9lt98x post# 466

Wednesday, 02/04/2015 4:39:53 PM

Wednesday, February 04, 2015 4:39:53 PM

Post# of 5880
It is usually Supply/Demand, but this time around the U.S. Government is in total control of the Global oil prices... Our Current President realizes that his efforts regarding healthcare will fail in the future & he wants his legacy to be how well the market performed under his administration... In the 2nd 1/2 of 2014 he pushed the price of oil down $60/BBL. NOTE, O&G companies comprise 25% of the S&P500, yet the S&P500 was making records highs while oil was falling... Now the Market is due for a correction, Monday we should have seen a the markets sell-off, but instead, Obama released his hold on oil prices slightly, thus preventing a market sell-off... It's pretty smart really...

How will he use this tool going forward...

Will oil continue to climb?

or will Obama save his ammunition for when it is most needed (to prevent sell-offs)?

I don't know, We will learn more about his intentions tomorrow...

I do think that Oil will rebound in sooner rather than later. 6 Months without a rebound is out of the question... Obama's in control, he wants his economy growing, economies don't grow when drilling rigs are being stacked, the sector is too large to put it on hold for 6 full months...