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Alias Born 06/26/2014

Re: TRUISM post# 4421

Monday, 01/26/2015 12:38:52 AM

Monday, January 26, 2015 12:38:52 AM

Post# of 6287
I'm actually losing a ton of faith in the company, their CEO and I lost complete faith in Bill Mathews who recommended this stock at his service the cheap investor and will not renew my subscription with him. I have gone from owning 40,000 shares to 13,000 shares and lost about 13k so far in the process. These people infuriate me but I may hold on and see what happens with my 13,000 shares at an average price of $1.84. I hope I'm wrong about everything I just said so I can recoup some of my losses but I'm sure not feeling confident about it at the moment. Ugh.
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