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Re: Newtoscrc post# 21368

Tuesday, 01/20/2015 11:09:02 PM

Tuesday, January 20, 2015 11:09:02 PM

Post# of 24848

In the meantime, just focus on SCRC and how to make it a better company.

That’s easy. Remember, SCRC’s business model is quite simple, and when you are in the compounding biz, any primate can run it profitably w/o losing money – but what separates the REAL leaders from the pretenders is the ability to run the business model EFFICIENTLY while maximizing BOTH topline revenues and bottomline earnings… …all while effectively marketing the company on a continuous basis to both current and new investors. And so, in this regard, here is all that BS Schneiderman needs to do to make SCRC a better company:

Immediately dis-associate w/criminals and racist homophobes like JOSEPH ZAMPETTI and his core group.

Get rid of the unnecessary layers of fat that comprise the new “middle-men” that were the cause of Selling Expenses skyrocketing from 45% in Q’1 and Q’2 to 65% in Q’3.

At the current $64M run rate, this represents $12.8M leaking out of the bottom line net earnings. This is .093 cents/share all by itself going down the drain (.076 cents/share on a fully-diluted basis).

Why is this important? Because based on Q3’14 net earnings using the new 65% selling expense run rate, SCRC is projecting to have annual earnings of only .045 cents/share. At the current sp levels, this means that the market is currently awarding a price/earnings multiple of 4.

So if BS Schneiderman did NOT open up the trough for unnecessary Selling Expenses to be doled out to unnecessary middle-men, our current sp would be .372 HIGHER (.304 on a fully-diluted basis) than the .18x level it is currently trading at. Just think how you would feel if the sp was at .55x right now (or .48x on a fully-diluted basis)?

For those who aren’t sure how I am getting this number, just take the current .045 EPS (which is based on the 65% selling expense run rate) and add to it the .093 EPS (.076 fully-diluted) value of saving $12.8M by having selling expenses return back to 45%. So that gets us to .138 (.121 fully-diluted). Now apply the same 4x multiple that the market is currently already awarding SCRC’s sp. So .138 x 4 = .552 (.121 x 4 = .484 fully-diluted).

Immediately dis-associate w/criminals and racist homophobes like JOSEPH ZAMPETTI and his core group.

Make obtaining compounding licenses in additional states THE TOP PRIORITY. We have seen ZERO new states added to the 7 that were already in the compounding stable in the past year since Main Ave launched in NJ. By way of comparison, from what I understand, PXYN obtained over 20 state licenses in the past year in order to expand their compounding operations beyond their home state of CA.

Considering how insanely profitable compounding is, all efforts to maximize this revenue stream should be put forth with extreme vigor until licenses in all US states and territories are obtained and meaningful sales obtained in each state relative to each state’s population size.

No other revenue stream can match compounding’s margins, so it is an inefficient use of company resources (not to mention shareholder equity) to pursue nickel-and-dime side streams of revenues such as WRx, PIMD, etc, whose business models are either unproven and/or have shown to be minimally profitable.

The CFO should have known better than to permit an investment in something to be made for which the expected ROI does not at least match what compounding provides

Immediately dis-associate w/criminals and racist homophobes like JOSEPH ZAMPETTI and his core group.

Attend more investor conferences. At least one per quarter. So it is about time for SCRC’s announcement of the next one it plans to attend and present at, as companies typically register at least one month in advance, if not more. Not attending any further conferences will only cause market participants to believe that the STE conference was simply part of a P&D façade.

Immediately dis-associate w/criminals and racist homophobes like JOSEPH ZAMPETTI and his core group.

Immediately get the ball rolling on preparing the proxy materials for – and announce – a reverse split. Remember, uplisting takes time and the first step is to get the sp up to the required listing level.

As I opined previously, taking this VERY SPECIFIC and VERY TANGIBLE action (one that requires a physical outlay of $$$) sends a BULLISH signal to the market as it tells the market in no uncertain terms that SCRC is DEAD SERIOUS about uplisting. This singular – yet elegantly simple – act immediately sets SCRC apart from all the other OTC penny companies who are always proclaiming their “intent” to uplist, but for which 99.9% NEVER DO. By putting their money where their mouth is by spending the money to conduct a proxy on the issue and by actually announcing it, this will instill confidence in the market toward SCRC.

If SCRC is serious about uplisting, it will begin the proxy process NOW if it wants a snowball’s chance in hell of uplisting by Q’3 or Q’4 of 2015 as it has boasted about doing.

Immediately dis-associate w/criminals and racist homophobes like JOSEPH ZAMPETTI and his core group.

Update the SCRC website yesterday.

Immediately dis-associate w/criminals and racist homophobes like JOSEPH ZAMPETTI and his core group.

Replace both the CFO and Corporate Controller with PROVEN finance execs who not only understand how to make proper ROI decisions, but are verse enough w/SEC filings so as to not continue to file inaccurate and filings as well as filings that lack the consistency and continuity that legitimate TUTs demand to see.

Immediately dis-associate w/criminals and racist homophobes like JOSEPH ZAMPETTI and his core group.

Be courageous enough to realize that although you may have brought the vision to SCRC, that you are not the most qualified to fully effectuate that vision and take SCRC to the next level and maximize shareholder value – and be willing to step aside for the betterment of SCRC and all of its shareholders. You can still play a role and remain on as a consultant to the company, so your ability to use SCRC as a “cash grab” vehicle for yourself will still remain. A win-win for all involved, n’est pas?

Immediately dis-associate w/criminals and racist homophobes like JOSEPH ZAMPETTI and his core group.

Begin behaving like a company that trades on a senior exchange. This means to stop over-promising and under-delivering and to cease with the fluff PR’s that contain forward-looking statements that you know will not be achieved. As stated previously in prior threads, it is one thing to lie to retail investors, but it is another thing altogether to lie to TUT’s. The Street is a small world and having the reputation as “the company who cried wolf” is a scarlet letter that shareholders simply can ill afford to bear – since, as we all know, a confident market will bestow healthy multiples on a company’s sp; and similarly, a skeptical market will bestow minimal multiples on a company’s sp.

At this point in time, each “multiple” is worth .045 cents per share to the sp. I don’t know about everyone else, but even with the ungodly 65% selling expenses, even an additional piddly SINGLE multiple of .045 cents would make the sp worth .233 RIGHT NOW – and hitting this new 52-wk high would be a bullish signal to the market that I for one would surely welcome.

Oh, and did I mention: Immediately dis-associate w/criminals and racist homophobes like JOSEPH ZAMPETTI and his core group.

These action items are all fairly simple and straight-forward and should not be difficult for even Gilligan to accomplish so long as the INTENT to improve the company is TRULY there…