Sure you are allowed to ask all the questions you want to, but just don't get too disappointed when you don't get the answer you want or don't get an answer at all. Some of those answers are not yet available, and some are time sensative and will be answered within the best time frame.
While I know it hurts, and me also, I still stand by my statement that we should not want a huge run up all at once in "either" share price. As I tried to explain, but I guess I didn't get my point across, if a quick and fast runup occured there would be very few who would benefit, because the selling pressure will kill the price instanteously. A long sustained price increase would allow for many more to also get out. But I know, It is dog eat dog out here now. Let me get mine and get out, and to heck with everybody else and the future of the Company. I don't think MP will ever look at it that way, and I hope he doesn't.
I CDEX opened at 25 dollars or LOCH went to 1, how many shares would be on the market at opening the next day? They could never generate the necessary buying power to even partially sustain such a price. As bad as it hurts, we must face reality. Each one of has his own desires, but the action of the masses will dictate the SP. and while a huge and quick runup would benefit a few, it certianly cannot benefit all.
This just my opinion, which I have been told I am entitled too. Go ahead folks. Let me have it. Get it off your chest, but look at it realistically because that is the way it will be. Art