What I notice most about all of your posts, if you read them carefully, they all say things like,
"I believe one of the next news annoucements is the magician revealing his trick."
"I think andalay is waiting for the next tariff to be in place to make any annoucements"
"I do believe big news will come before kwoks big first payday in February."
"And trust me if southeastern has their shares already"
"...and u will see my theories become reality"
I believe, if, trust me...LMAO your "theories" are speculative at best.
To anyone reading Madhouses posts. If someone on a message board says "trust me". Run away!!
Your guesses are as good as anyone's. You dont know anything for sure. Just because you think youre putting 2 and 2 together, doesnt mean it will happen that way, or even come close to happening that way.