Here it is in a nutshell, steps 1-5:
1) On May 10th your JPHC are effectively worth $0.005 apiece. That's the first part of the equation, so do that math for your own shares. In my case, my 22 mil shares will be worth $112,000.
2) APOA's value for the deal is calculated based on the 20 trading days leading up to May 10th, so from April 13th.
3) So, on May 11th, I'll receive $112,000 worth of APOA stock at a price for APOA equal to that 20-day average.
4) I won't be able to sell any of my new APOA shares for 1-2 years. About 1% of them every 90 days after May 11th, 2007, and all the rest of them anytime after May 11th, 2008.
5) If APOA's value even stays the same as it is today... my $20,000 investment in JPHC will turn to $112,000 in 2 years. That's a BIG IF... Could be more, could be less. It's a gamble IMO, but one I think works out for me.