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Alias Born 01/28/2013

Re: None

Sunday, 11/30/2014 5:15:00 PM

Sunday, November 30, 2014 5:15:00 PM

Post# of 24848
Just found these gems being spouted by JOSEPH ZAMPETTI in the dark nether-regions of the public space:

I believe the core is sincere when they say they are looking for much higher levels.

So why does the historical tape consistently show that almost immediately following the numerous unlocking of tranches of their 28M shares of 0.00 and 0.05 PIPE stock over the past year, that there is heavy selling volume that virtually always craters the sp back down to near historic lows?

After all, it would be impossible for these criminals who believe that SCRC stands for “Super Cool Retired Capitalists” to take a retirement trip to Tuscany in the summer of 2015 if they didn’t have any meaningful shares left if and when the sp were to ever eventually hit the dollars (and at this rate, the only way that will happen by summer 2015 is via a RS). And seeing how they claim that only 6M of these shares remain, that means they “settled” for .09-.14/share on the overwhelming majority of these shares that they claimed to be holding in a vault for years and years with no intention of selling a single share. Not exactly retirement money, wouldn’t you say? It would seem that with the year-end upon us, that SCRC will once again most likely stand for “Scumbag Criminals Ruining Christmas”…

I must say there truly is absudity that is in the air at the other forum. Just this am we are reading that SCRC need to alert all the financial news outlets that they are cash flow positive. So silly… …there is no need to go on rooftops and yell CFP that is PROBABLY THE DUMBEST COMMENT OF 2014!!!!

This one is great, LOL! Pardon me, but wasn’t it JOSEPH ZAMPETTI and the rest of the criminal CORE PIPE-holders who have been shouting from the rooftops for the past many months now that it would be a “November to Remember” because SCRC will be CFP and profitable for the first time? And they even went so far as to create a “Profitability Countdown Clock” and tout it for all the world to see. So, the tout/hype is good for JZ and the CORE to pump in order to lure retail investors but not legitimate enough news for SCRC to notify the market about attaining such an important milestone?

LOL, I suppose it is just yet another example of what happens when folks keep telling lies after lies after lies – eventually, it becomes too complicated and they lose track of what they’ve said previously and now they end up tripping over themselves with contradictions…

We now have CASH so we are able to do dog and pony shows that will bring visability. How was the company going to get the word out 5 months ago with no $ in the bank?

Egads… …a company does NOT need cash in its balance sheet to go on dog and pony shows for prospective TUT investors. They simply need to demonstrate that they are able to execute their business model profitably. If SCRC was flush with cash, they would NOT need to go on dog and pony shows to drum up investor interest. Duh. Companies like SCRC go on dog and pony shows and attend investor conferences BECAUSE they NEED cash and are looking to raise capital.

And, for someone like JOSEPH ZAMPETTI to tout that it was only because SCRC was able to show that it had a measly $1M in cash on its Q3 balance sheet that it was able to present at the recent investor conference, then riddle me this:

Do you really think that sophisticated TUTs are that stupid that they can’t read a balance sheet and see that virtually all of this cash balance was due to accounting/timing gimmicks, namely: {a} The $400k of deferred revenue liability related to advance cash payments received from insurance companies for product that Main Ave has withheld either production and/or shipment to customers, {b} The 500% increase in A/P liability to $700k, which is easily seen as SCRC delaying on paying its bills in order to artificially inflate the cash balance on 9/30/14, and not to mention {c} SCRC’s continuing to pay vendors and services providers in shares of stock instead of cash, which is generally understood by knowledgeable market participants to be an indicator of a company who has liquidity concerns??? Just {a} and {b} alone pretty much explains the existence of SCRC’s entire $1M cash balance, the majority of which would not exist had SCRC paid ALL of its bills in cash (instead of w/stock) and paid them on time instead of letting the A/P build up…

JOSEPH ZAMPETTI should be thankful that potential TUT investors aren’t looking at SCRC because they are “impressed” with a paltry $1M in cash – heck, for these TUT’s, $1M is merely one tranche worth of investment for them…

If cash on hand is so critical to SCRC, then how can JOSEPH ZAMPETTI concurrently defend the dramatic increase in selling expenses from 45% in Q2 to 65% in Q3 as being “bullish” and an indicator for retail investors to buy more SCRC stock? Just for Q3 alone, this almost 50% increase in selling expenses consumed approx $2.5M in cash and also ate away $2.5M in earnings and shareholder equity.

The core is not consumed with the minute to minute, hour to hour. day to day price movement

But the public posting history of JOSEPH ZAMPETTI and all the other CORE criminals on multiple platforms all over the public space (not to mention documented PM’s, emails, texts, VM’s, and phone conversations) over the past 18+ months says otherwise. Go look for yourself. These public statements are permanently etched in stone and can be easily found both here and elsewhere. About 99% of their public and private touts (which “coincidentally” seem to mostly occur right when they have tranches of 0.00 and 0.05 PIPE stock unlocking, LOL) are always hyping a different imminently arriving “mother of all catalysts” each time and urging anyone and everyone to buy at every fraction of a penny increment 24/7.

I don’t know about the rest of you, but if I felt that a company was a legit “buy and hold” long-term investment, I invest in it and sock it away and don’t lurk over it 24/7 and post incessantly on MB’s on it. I have never even looked at any MB’s for AAPL, V, WMT, BRK, BAC, etc., let alone post thousands of times on these stocks. It is only the high-risk speculative stocks that I and pretty much every other retail investor I know follow more closely because these are the ones more prone to volatility and extreme movements due to both explainable and unexplainable reasons.

We support current management

I think I saw this one as the cover story in the latest issue of “DUH” magazine… …of course you don’t bite the hand that feeds you, LOL… …JOEY Z and the CORE know which side of the bread the butter is on – why wouldn’t they support the Mgmt team that doled out 28M shares of 0.00 and 0.05 stock to them???


I don’t know about you all, but I know principals of several TUTs and I have NEVER heard of any TUTs who publicly blabber to ANY OUTSIDER – let alone a notorious criminal and penny stock flipper like JOSEPH ZAMPETTI – what they are buying, what they have recently bought, and what they plan on buying, as well as the price levels they bought and plan to buy at.


Wow, I’m sure the TUTs will be really impressed by how JOSEPH ZAMPETTI represents not only himself but SCRC by his incessant petulant and bratty public behavior -- especially considering that TUTs will easily find out how intricately related BS Schneiderman is with known criminals such as JOSEPH ZAMPETTI and the other CORE PIPE-holders.