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Alias Born 08/15/2009

Re: mick post# 332

Sunday, 11/09/2014 11:55:26 AM

Sunday, November 09, 2014 11:55:26 AM

Post# of 376
We have to get through the excuse phase now.

Then where is the Company heading?
We are today, in Limbo.
Does she know?
Is there anything on the plate for Colorado?
Can they expand without toxic debt?
How is that toxic debtor anyway? He's killing my FPIF play, or his play, so I know he is alive and well.
Is there still a deal not to dump till news?
Does Qasp have what it takes to get the cultivation warehouse this year?
Is there any good news anywhere in this story?
I demand an update Monday at the open.

Symbol and name change could be high risk from the SEC and unwanted attention. It's still in the MJ sector and last I read in other true MJ plays, they won't touch a name and symbol change.
Anything positive on the Aero side?
We should now have a good report of the health of the hydro grow aspect? 6months worth.
Seems like Fla was a gut punch and not a good sign she went a week with no updates.
It look horrible for the Company.
Donnell is losing investors in mass. Monday will be a blood bath back to .0002s
More limbo.
I'm looking towards Oregon myself, AFAI
But even that has a few weeks. They need 2 more locations and I think that will be big news,
However @ barely the strength to hang on to a .14 PPS always an inter day dip to .10 back to .14, I feel the $10mm market cap is where it should be. I want in below a dime before news. They sell pot, real pot. 'Kaya Shack' location, distribution storefront, branded. I think there will be a rush to open 2 more locations in the short term, then a wait till Jan 1st, then see if it becomes a typical cash cow revenue machine.
Low float, CEO is based in Fla as well. FLL
He came out with an update the morning after.

Qasp is in limbo. Did Donnel go back to GDSM. Poor move to not say anything. It makes one wonder if she leveraged the Company on a Fla win?
I hate that she alone carries so much potential, yet the stock has been beyond used since the R/S. She alone is the reason to buy and hold her story. But, HAVC was a total disaster that sucked me in. On the new MJ story line, she would have been fortunate to R/S once again if Joe had already been converted. But Joe knows best. He would not have allowed it. He converted at the worst time and in my opinion, killed QASP.
I do not play stocks over 2.5BB.
So I'm riding for news as everyone else. Get out before or as Joe does.
News will be a total sell off. Joe and retail.
I'm not sure what words she can say Monday to save Q from another R/S.
There has been no news, so we must create our own.

I know there won't be a R/S, I believe ther should be. Really Id like to see Joe caught in one too. He still needs to dump and will get a 10:1 back down for a cheap entry. If the rumors are correct that normal funding will come once Joe is gone, hit the reset button now and catch him.
This week will be of great intrest. Bashers win the day once again. Too bad they can't turn a dime into a dollar with Q, just spewing venom.
So ago Donnel?

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