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Alias Born 05/21/2004

Re: TRCPA post# 48481

Tuesday, 11/04/2014 11:49:57 AM

Tuesday, November 04, 2014 11:49:57 AM

Post# of 53980
TR - Believe you me this is not MM adjusting their books. As I earlier posted, I had a standing order in at my earlier projected price area. That got filled (120 K at .0065).

Because I believe in being open, I have a larger order in, but in at a lower price than the current.0063 bid. I imagine Net-Man or some other bottom fisher(s) picked up the balance of the trades this morning. We still have over 400,000 shares wanting to be sold at .011. I don't think we will see buyers for the short term at much higher than this morning's price. And I absolutely do not believe it is MM filling up their books. Many MM may well be wondering whether FASC is going to keep on existing much longer which is a legitimate question when we start trading down in the .006 area. Dave
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