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Alias Born 02/09/2003

Re: Bernie-UK post# 291

Monday, 10/06/2014 5:15:22 PM

Monday, October 06, 2014 5:15:22 PM

Post# of 317
The only way for a formerly-suspended grey market stock to resume being quoted via OTC Pink Link is to regain Rule 15c2-11 qualification which requires a FINRA-approved Form 211. If a company is fully-reporting and current with its SEC filings, qualification with Rule 15c2-11 will allow its stock to resume being quoted via OTCQB.

Rule 15c2-11 allows market makers to make a market in a stock and quote their own bid and ask prices. A company can't file a Form 211 with FINRA. A market maker must essentially sponsor a company by filing the form, which requires extensive financial and company information.

Form 211:

In the last several years only a couple of companies have regained Rule 15c2-11 qualification. EDVP is one example.
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