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Alias Born 06/01/2011

Re: Luxeguy post# 6283

Wednesday, 10/01/2014 4:14:12 PM

Wednesday, October 01, 2014 4:14:12 PM

Post# of 49370
Your last post Lux concerning the updated information regarding the Japan contract and the issue of a holdup due to a certain ingredient, which ingredient is it that Mr Veal says is causing the 16 month delay ?
Could you also ask Mr Veal if this ingredient was under review and HJOE couldnt sell product there until it was cleared up, why did they even do the PR in Dec.13, stating shipping starts in spring.
I mean the PR stated that this deal had been in the works for quite some time even before the PR, so technically they left out the little part about (conditional deal based upon medical clearance, thats a big "maybe" to leave hanging, in fact its pretty much a B.S. article.
I've checked the ingredients on the HJOE shots LUX and if you search, you will find that each one is used in something (drink/food)over there. Which one is the "hold up"
I have emailed twice asking this and Mike won't respond.
This is for curiosity but how would you know if Veal did or did not have a mercedes?
Your right about people and half truths Lux, frustrating isnt it.
hope some folks took advantage of the little bit of a burp in the pps
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