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Re: ZDanger post# 35471

Tuesday, 09/23/2014 3:31:04 PM

Tuesday, September 23, 2014 3:31:04 PM

Post# of 38410
This is what Tesla has posted:

please note, the NON-RES O/S is 282,600,000, which means that the Float can also be as big as 282,600,000...the RES-O/S is 88 million...

O/S TOTAL = 370,600,000

O/S RESTRICTED = 88,000,000

O/S NON-RES = 282,600,000

A/S = 1.5 billion

He has it straight from the TA and this is way better than stuff.
Stock had days with volume of 31m in triple zero, this is not how a 88m float trades.

If you believe float is 88m you ignore the informations from the TA and the trading history which should tell you enough.