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Alias Born 03/14/2006

Re: None

Tuesday, 09/23/2014 2:10:11 PM

Tuesday, September 23, 2014 2:10:11 PM

Post# of 26489
Earth has been hotter and much much colder. Man in certain respects has caused polutants to expand, but Nature is far worse. Ice Packs were supposedly shrinking, they are increasing in size. Oceans were supposed to rise, they are not! This Winter as last is going to be...wait for it...COLD with a chance of freezing the AZZ off those scumbag warming crowd. Al Gore, made Billions on Crap and is still pushing it along with the Obama crowd. At least it gives new technology a chance such as DME, oh right its been around for 30...+ years.
China-India as we here all know need to clean up their mess, and they are starting to. Artificial Trees, why is there no mention of that technology? Clean the air 24 hours a day and look good doing it! That is something China-India could do right now!

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