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Alias Born 06/26/2014

Re: marko110 post# 4362

Saturday, 09/13/2014 12:40:39 PM

Saturday, September 13, 2014 12:40:39 PM

Post# of 6287
Another important issue once they commercialize the product is coming out with SolarWindow Flex or something similar that will address the current commercial building/ skyscraper market and the residential market. The biggest markets in the world for skyscrapers are Hong Kong and Dubai while in the US its New York and Chicago. Most of these building owners are not going to replace their hundreds of windows and in some cases thousands of windows just to put a SolarWindow in their buildings as the cost to do this is much to expensive, This is the largest piece of the market so NENE really needs to figure this part out if they want to generate significant sales. Going after new construction and replacement windows is better than nothing but the real opportunity is retrofitting the existing market. Once again, if you look at Solar City SCTY today with just over $220 million in sales and a net loss of over $47 million per year. You will see that they at around a 6.9 Billion market cap which means that they are over 30 times sales with no proprietary patented product such as NENE should have soon. If NENE can just commercialize the stock should go up to a $300 million market cap with 0 sales fairly quickly. If they can find a way generate sales their is no reason that they won't trade for 30 to 40 times sales which is similar to what SCTY is trading at today. This means that at 50 mil in sales the company should be worth a minimum of 1.5 to 2 billion which at todays shares count of approximately 26.5 million after the latest dilution would put the stock at somewhere between $55 and $75 assuming no further dilution which will probably take place in some form with all the outstanding options on the table. Even with another 10 million in dilution we would still make out at over $40 a share with a 1.5 billion market cap. The most likely scenario and best scenario in my opinion would be that a major player in solar or the energy sector purchases NENE for a significant price increase. This would assure that this technology gets out to the US and world much faster and provide significant shareholder value quickly. We then take our profits and move on to other investments. I know there are some big IF's here as their always is with any investment but all of this is not only probable but possible IMO.
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