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Re: Joemoney post# 1

Wednesday, 05/16/2001 2:31:48 AM

Wednesday, May 16, 2001 2:31:48 AM

Post# of 88
The Post That Started This Thread.

The following was written by Gary Swancey. Thanks Gary!

"IHUB = Immediately Humble Unto Bob

I know I have been silent for some time but there is a reason. When I first heard SI Bob was coming to IHUB I became concerned especially for the peace and tranquillity and knowing the only thing left on SI were the stalking off-topic bullies that are dismay and confusion and merely hit generators. My opinion as a small voice in cyberspace is to question that which I believe is harmful to the people. Thus this composition is based on the scar from the character assassination carried out with extreme prejudice on SI since 1998 under the bias administration that allowed such nonsense to carry on. IHUB was originally a vision for people to escape the turmoil and havoc of SI and Raging Bull thus I rip down my sleeve and show the branding of the cyber-numeral 8 on my right shoulder and invoke Law 7. IHUB should be returned to the people.

As through our history destructive forces have arisen to pursue total world domination. It is the quest of every evil egomaniac from Hitler and his holocaust to the sick cartoon character Stewie Griffin. Where Stewie is a one-year-old little boy of truest evil, Hilter and others grew their armies. The bottom line and primary goal today is to control and completely dominate over all Cyber-Mankind. Until this objective comes to fruition, anyone or anything that interferes with the grand plan shall be destroyed.

In 1997 an atomic bomb dropped on the stock market and thus a new era of information exploded. As in the movie “The Postman” a New World order would arise out of this lawless Chaos like the Xerox Salesman who gains total control and becomes the law of the land. Intelligent people have asked and wondered who would arise out of the mysterious darkness of Cyberspace to be the self-appointment supreme Emperor of the Cyber-Cosmos that would have the army (cronies) to subjugate all who dare to oppose this newest deus with egotistical real-life illusions of Granduer?

The war for total domination of Cyber-World has been raging for since 1997 as documented in John Emshwiller’s book, “Scam Dogs and Momo Mamas.” Within this simply written publication John Emshwiller articulately conveys and documents the controversial battles for power, influence and control of Cyber-Turf. Is this a classic and prelude basically of events to come as the book shows the self-appointed emperors along with their rises and falls.

Lets face it, the bottom line to a chat site is advertising dollars. The more hits you have the more the site can make claim to fame. It does not matter about the topic or the quality of content, it only matters about hits. Thus comes the controversy factor, which basically is designed for the more the merrier. Truth, facts and fair play does not matter. The verbal warfare is what is needed so the hits can escalate. Thus a site only needs an army of renegade posters to secure their market share such as: harassing stalkers, relentless bashers, urban legend generators, whiners, libelous innuendo experts, unlawful insinuations, abusive rhetorical manipulators, invasive privacy revealers, tortuous spin doctors, and there are more. Having an army of these types taking advantage of total unchecked disruption can easily increase the hit count to a site. What is lost is the quality.

This is compounded and can get totally out of control by a peacemaker with the opinion and power to enforce it like bad mouthing a stock all you want. Negative opinions are just as appropriate as positive ones and truth is not the issue. The excuse is simply refute the and refute it over and over and over again until it becomes urban legend and the truth will be off topic. This creates activity, traffic and most of all hits. However, one shroud is to limit the defense so the attack can get out of control. The defender can only post a limited amount but the gang of disrupters can overwhelm the thread or visa versa so the hit count escalates but does not allow equal time for the defense or offense.

But this type of distressing attacks and disruption weights on people. After a while decent people eventually take enough of it and leave after exhaustingly seeking relief of some nature from the peace-keepers. Thus losing the main posters and their following the site will die as in the fate of Silicon Investor (SI). Realizing that people had had enough and searching for a safe haven, IHUB recruited key people to test the beta site. Investors HUB (IHUB) became such a sanctuary for those that were tired of the nonsense. People wanted to return to the principals of IRC and the features of SI. To answer this outcry of the people, the concept was a Chairman of the thread that would have the power to keep order. As the site grew, a solid reputation began to grow as each community had its own leadership thus peace and tranquillity became the underlying basis for sharing information. Soon little communities sprout up as they try to keep the focus on information. The people had their sanctuary.

Invaders of nonsense were dealt with swiftly by the Chairmen. Bashers, spin-doctors, FUD (Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt) fabricators plus other attackers were not allowed to spew nonsense without an underlying basis. Multiple aliases were swiftly exposed and IHUB began to demonstrate that it was not the hits but the quality of information that was first and foremost. IHUB was becoming the people’s choice. The downfall of SI is a prime example of not addressing these situations. Even though the character assassinations and personal attacks was mainly responsible for getting SI’s hit ratio up, it was the lack of implementing TOS and then doing it only selectively that became the waterloo for SI. In the end, SI was doomed because these relentlessly stalking cronies that do not share stock information nor provide due diligence nor any other type investment rhetoric or research, other than blaming the Internet posters for failures of companies were in full control. They are/were there to generate trouble and thus destroyed SI.

In March 2001, the controversies on SI were no longer a problem and the hit ratio was destroyed. Basically, people were fed up and had moved away from the heckling and ridiculous lack of or rather bias administration TOS procedures. Of course a lot of white washing was spun to account for the exodus from SI. However, the army of hit creators only had themselves to post to in the end and thus SI cut back on the peace-keepers. Instead of keeping peace and dealing with these hit creators SI found itself alone for the crowd simply went elsewhere. No more need for a peacekeeper.

Again, IHUB was an alternative from the bashers, stalkers, bullies, urban legend generators, character assassinations and total pandemonium architects. As the Internet posters searched for a site where some control to these evil hit creators could be found, such a place most felt would be IHUB. But alas a sad day for the people came when the main controlling force and adminstrative icon of SI came to IHUB and the SI hit creator cronies followed to now conquered IHUB. With SI laying raped and stripped clean on a bloody battlefield in the after math of hit creators thus a new campaign motto echoes through the endless void of cyberspace. Immediately Humble Unto Bob! (IHUB)

As I watch this newest regime invade and establish its new laws and power over the site, I am reminded again of the Postman. As Bob the computer salesman flexes his muscles and totally appears to be undermining the original concept and promises that were used to get pioneers to the site to establish small communities, I envision the invasion of the small communities by Bethlehem the Xerox salesman. The pushing and bullying of people now suddenly disrupts the once peaceful community. The good guys attempting to defend the onslaught of the new invading cronies of hit creators are eventually dealt with by a swift sword and punishment for daring to defend one’s self and maintain the integrity of the site. Thus the new regime flexes its muscles.

Watching Francios, one of the original recruited Chairman stand up for what he believe to be forthright and did not humble unto Bob, was then strung up as General Bethlehem did one prisoner in one scene. There Bethlem read the "Laws of Eight" but the comparison is quite unique as Francois met with the terminating sword of Bob:

“The Postman” “Laws of Eight”

1. You will obey orders without question.
2. Punishment shall be swift.
3. Mercy is for the weak.
4. Terror will defeat reason.
5. Your allegiance is to the clan.
6. Justice can be dictated.
7. Any Clansman may challenge for leadership of the Clan.
8. There is only one penalty - DEATH

Could it be this same “Laws of Eight” have now come into existence on IHUB with the new regime of “Bob’s World?” Immediately Humbled Unto Bob or face the “Laws of Eight”

1. You will obey Bob’s orders without question.
2. Punishment shall be swift.
3. Mercy is for the weak.
4. Terror will defeat reason. (cronies will handle this)
5. Your allegiance is to BOB!
6. Justice can be dictated. (Bias Administration Practices)
7. NO ONE may challenge for leadership, influence or turf in Bob’s World
8. There is only one penalty – TERMINATION

When I confronted Bob, I made a statement to see if I could get a confirmation, “that let the evil do whatever they want and the good guys when they complain get nailed.

Welcome to Bob;s world.”

In his arrogant style Bob replies, “Actually, the last part of that is more accurate than you intended.” Thus the confirmation that IHUB is basically now “Bob’s World.” He continues with his reasoning for the first part as “The fact that someone says another is evil and wrong doesn't necessarily make it so, in my experience.” Thus the cronies reign on and create hits since evil cannot be defined and thus the battlefield for control is now established.

Also the reasoning that was read to Francois before Bob’s sword terminated Francios’ existence was only 6 of the “Laws of 8” or was it.
Effective immediately, your account on Investors Hub is terminated. The reasons for this action are:

1. Continued abuse of the CoB feature. This is a violation of Law 6 the Justice can be dictated. Fighting the cronies of disruption and there relentless attacks, spins, personal attacks and even posting his private accounts from SI and RB very slyly only caused the defense to become emotion enough to sign his own death warrant in accordance with Law 6. Of course the cronies are left to rain terror on the next target as Law 8 is executed by Bob on the target.

2. Continued personal attacks on me despite my very clear warnings against it. A clear and distinct violation of Law 5 to have total allegiance is to BOB! Also a violation to Law 7 because Francois dared to expose the bias tactics of Bob!

3. The almost exclusively destructive nature of your participation since reinstatement from your previous suspension. Direct Violation to Law 1 for not being totally obedient and Immediately Humbling Unto Bob! Which invoked Law 2 & 3 where punishment was swift and no mercy thus establishing the invoking of Law 6 because Law 4 was strategically used to get the advantage over Francois. But also Law 7 for daring to contest Bob’s reign of bias and unfair administrative practices Law 6 thus resulting in Law 8.

4. Overall conduct very unbefitting a Chairperson on the site, including personal attacks on me and others.
Again by allowing the situation to get him justly emotional this caused a direct violation of numerous Laws and now suddenly there is a befitting conduct Laws. I guess the Laws of engagement change also, of which neither have been published or made know to anyone. But by defending against the cronies and not allowing their hit creating disruption to fester, Francios’ conduct is now selectively being use as an excuse to exercise Law 8. Where maybe a suspension would calm him down. Regardless of fairness, this sudden conduct law establishes the underlying basis that there are no Chairmen anymore only the KING CHAIRMAN BOB! Thus Law 7 is violated and Law 8 executed.

5. Continuing the "Bash Bob" theme on the Q&A thread despite very clear warnings to everyone in general and you specifically. Violation of Law 1 & 5 though nothing was done to stop the same on Francois or the off topic attacks by the hit creating cronies.

6. Continued harassment of me personally. Again Law 1 and 5 caused the effective judgment and execution of of Law 8. But for anyone but Bob this has to be endured under normal chat sites, which is one main benefit that IHUB allowed.

Now with Francois dead, the cronies can now regroup and seek out for another target to gain control of Cyber-World as the bias tactics continues using the historical tactics of SI. Thus absolute chaos has come to IHUB and makes you wonder if IHUB knew the turmoil and how the site would change under this newest regime and thus the creation of Bob’s World and the “Laws of 8.” The influx of the hit creating cronies that only cause total disarray, dismay and harassment that have gone unchallenged until the target is eventually executed under law 8, has floursihed SI and now follow to invade IHUB to reek havoc.

The once peaceful society and unique concept appear to have been totally undermined and IHUB over night has transformed into the perils of SI, which caused people to leave. SI is a desert in Cyber-World and the once fruitful and growing society of IHUB is being overrun with bullies gaining control. Harmony has been replaced with CHAOS. Facts and solid information is being reciprocated with attacks, innuendo, insinuation, fabrication and attacks.

As I became furious over the frame and demise that was so well planned against Francios, I like “The Postman” entered the battlefield challenging the unfair and bias tactics that lead to the malicious execution of Francios. Just like in “The Postman” I shouted who I was and I claimed Law 7 to challenge this newest world dominance takeover of justice being dictated and reason replace with terror. Just like General Bethlehem, Bob merely conveyed the classic, “HUH?” He forgets the scars I wear from the turmoil and character assassination that he allowed through bias administration practices on my attackers, not to mention others who suffered from the same bias practices. However, Jill was the only relief I recieved.

He forgets his blatant tactics of logic and bias ideas that cause people so much grief and eventual escaped seeking an alternative site thus leaving SI. He forgets the entire harm he festered and allowed so the cronies could gain full control without ramifications for stalking, personal attacks, posting off topic, innuendoes, etc. He forgets that SI grew in posts because of the dismay and personal attacks for control of Cyber-World under his regime that ran off everyone good and only the cronies were left to fight among themselves. He forgets that people when they have been wronged do not forget those that had the power to stop every violation of TOS never once even justified any corrective action.

But the victims and their cyber-scars do remember the suspensions for defending and the cyber-scars of the attacks and the hours of defending. Guilty until proven innocent reign supreme and even then once proven innocent, the cronies are allowed to continue the urban legend attacks unchecked. This unchecking caused the stock talk sites to become personal attack boards not about the stock anymore except for the initial attack on the company, which later spread to a character assassination of a long. Thus the threads of SI were about attacking individuals and the defense or refuting, which eventually created mayhem but the hit count was effectively stimulated.

I learnt a few things in declaring war on this new regime. There are no Chairmen only pawns to a DICTATOR, an ultimate unchecked power and by his standards whatever they are and can change as needed, he can use “Befitting Conduct” so the cronies can fester and gain absolute control. Also if anyone dares to challenge this new regime then your right to post will be limited and thus the bottom line is to eventually silence you and if you do not go silent thus execution of Law 8. This is “Bob’s World” and you will humble unto him or face Law 8.

It is a sad day when Matt with a truly heartfelt for posters looking to escape the misery that most faced on SI has now only undone the very concept and thus Immediately Humbling Unto Bob has undermined the entire concept and purpose of his vision. As the mayhem festers, Matt has to realize he has a major problem or maybe hits is all that is important and not the quality and tranquillity of the site with the chairman concept totally undermined.

What was once a free and objective site is now the haven for the lifeless hit generating cronies and unlike “The Postman” this newest regime is getting paid. Wonder how many hits and Law 8s will be executed, as with all total world domination scenarios, before “Bob’s World” returns back to the original concept and to the people. People came here originally to escape that which has now followed the logic, arrogance and bias practices of the new administration.

I call it as I see it and Francios should have gotten a suspension at worse case but not termination. I feel Bob has no right to undermine the original concept and this is not Bob’s world. IHUB for made as a successful alternative to other sites for the people. Let’s hope that it returns to the people soon and this is merely and over dramatization.

:=) Gary Swancey"

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