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Re: janice shell post# 4506

Tuesday, 04/04/2006 9:52:51 PM

Tuesday, April 04, 2006 9:52:51 PM

Post# of 56764
April 4, 2006

BUYINS.NET was profiled in detail in the article below. BUYINS.NET invented SqueezeTrigger(TM), a technology that identifies the exact price a short squeeze can start in any U.S. stock. This information was one of Wall Street's most closely guarded secrets until recently, and is the only place you can get it.

See what happened to Hansens Natural (NASDAQ: HANS) when the stock price crossed above its SqueezeTrigger Price. In both cases of this occurrence, HANS ralled spectacularly (see chart to the right). The blue line is the monthly SqueezeTrigger Price.

With 4,936,000 shares declared short on HANS, short sellers down $306 million and $634 million left to cover, this is the anatomy of a short squeeze. The stock has rallied over $70 per share since it crossed its SqueezeTrigger Price!

Reporters even contacted BUYINS.NET to see if HANS was a good short. BUYINS.NET informed the reporters that NO STOCK that has a sizable short position and a price that is close to or above its SqueezeTrigger Price should be shorted. According to CNBC Mad Money host, James Cramer, It's financial suicide when you short a stock that so many other folks are short, and the brokerages can't find the stock in the vault to lend out because all shares are already out. The seller can never fail to deliver. So the brokers have to go into the open market to find stock to deliver to the buyers. Their frantic buying creates a squeeze that can produce wild gains for the longs and stupendous losses for the short sellers. That's why such moves are called short squeezes. Stocks can zoom when a large percentage of the "float," or shares that can trade freely, are shold short and new short sellers come in and fail to locate borrowed shares before they sell.



By Navid Iqbal

The operation starts each day at 5 a.m. in Newport Beach, California. A team of highly skilled and trained BUYINS.NET programmers and analysts forage through lists provided by the New York Stock Exchange, the American Stock Exchange and the NASDAQ. The mission? To hunt down those responsible for illegal short selling.

Once a target of the predatory practice himself, Tom Ronk founded BUYINS.NET to help other companies identify when they too are becoming targets of abusive short selling or naked short selling.

Short selling is legal and happens when an investor borrows stock from a brokerage firm, sells it, then hopes to pay less for it when it buying it back. But naked short selling occurs when crooked investors sell stocks they never borrowed. The illegal practice occurs because of loopholes in the rules over selling stocks.

For over 200 years, short selling institutions have been able to hide their short selling orders, and individuals and mutual funds have been forced to show their buy orders, Ronk said. This has allowed predatory short sellers to abuse the U.S. stock market to the tune of billions of dollars. Ronk said there are over 3,100 of 15,000 publicly traded companies (20%), that have been naked shorted in the past 15 months alone.

"BUYINS.NET is leveling the playing field between institutional and retail investors by providing transparency to US markets," Ronk said.

Ronk left the University of California at San Diego with an Electrical Engineering and Computer Science background before he entered the world of trading in 1989 as a fixed income trader, eventually becoming a stockbroker three years later. He later started working as a stock analyst then became an investment banker in 1998, when he started running the companies he had invested in.

One of those companies was a 120,000 doctor PPO (preferred provider organization) network whose split adjusted value was $24 a share. The largest brokerage firm in Canada then shorted shares of the PPO and brought down the stock to a split-adjusted value of $1 per share.

"We sued the Canadian brokerage firm for RICO violations," Ronk said in an emailed interview. "Three years later the largest brokerage firm in Canada was put out of business and the person responsible for the short selling was put in jail."

Although the Securities and Exchange Commission implemented a new rule to ban naked short-selling in 2003, critics of it argued that it prevented market forces from counteracting naked shorting.

Ronk decided to try and affect the system himself. He began lobbying regulators in the United States to change laws related to short selling. The SEC enacted Regulation SHO which subsequently went into effect in 2005.

The new regulation created a uniform regulation of short selling, including 'locate' requirements for short sales in all equity securities and a mandatory close-out requirement for securities that significant settlement failures, according to NASDAQ Trader.

Regulation SHO required all the stock exchanges to provide short lists. “ has built a proprietary database that uses these list feeds to generate detailed and useful information to combat the naked short selling problem," Ronk said.

"For the first time, actual trade by trade data is available to the public that shows the volume, price and average value of short sales in stocks that have been shorted and naked shorted," he said.

Using proprietary technologies, like SqueezeTrigger, the company uncovers the exact volume and price that short sellers have shorted a stock and alert investors the exact time that a short squeeze can start in any U.S. stock, Ronk said.

The research team issues public reports identifying which companies are the target of this illegal practice. The team then highlights certain companies that have short squeezes underway and alerts investors and institutions through emails and press releases, Ronk said.

"Our call center receives thousands of calls and emails and we respond to them throughout the day. We talk to CEOs of companies and discuss legal and regulatory ways to defend against abusive short selling and naked short selling and send cease and desist letters to firms that are engaging in this activity. We provide data records to the general counsel of public companies that request them and litigation is planned and executed."

According to Ronk, the BUYINS.NET website displays the companies that have been naked short sold and updates in real time which companies have short squeezes starting. Web site users can login and see how many shares are starting to squeeze and at what price.

"This is a very useful way for investors to fight back against short sellers and make profitable trades simultaneously," he said.

And the fight will continue into the future, said Ronk, fresh from an appearance on cable news shows. He said he would continue helping companies fight back against manipulative and abusive predatory trading practices.

"BUYINS.NET is a service designed to help bonafide shareholders of publicly traded U.S. companies fight abusive short selling and illegal naked short selling," he said.

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Copyright 2006: BUYINS.NET, LLC