Why use the term Dilution? over and over many persons on these boards use that term! Unless shares are ISSUED there is NO Dilution period!.. up until the time that those shares are issued either to individuals (employees, investors, management, even vendors) or used to 'buy a company' or other targets then the O/S outstanding shares remains unchanged at that point. Again, just because people buy then sell short the shares they just bought or just sell short shares that don't even own (naked shorts) there again is still only the currently available Outstanding shares from which to buy (go long) or sell (go short). If 3 billion shares are outstanding and 2 billion are being held i.e. long. then only 1 billion shares would be actively in the markets at any one time with some being bought to go long, others to be sold selling or shorting. Read up on public float as well for further clarification. My only aim is to be helpful to all, harmful to none. please take no offense whatever. Peace. Stok