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Alias Born 01/11/2006

Re: GONEOM post# 65836

Monday, 04/03/2006 7:01:35 PM

Monday, April 03, 2006 7:01:35 PM

Post# of 326412
It has gotten to the point where it is put up or shut up with this company. The lack of movement in the PPS in the positve way is due to one thing and one thing only. If it is not obvious to all it is to me. The one item that every single person on this board has talked about that hasn't happened yet. What? You ask. The 800lb gorilla. The end of the QP has come and gone. The aquisition of company after company. Showcase event after showcase event. Charts that look flawless to our chart people. The Virgin settlement. There was always somethinjg in the near future that people would say, "This is it" "Back up the truck" "This is your last chance" " we will not go below .40 again. These along with a host of others I could dig up. Thde only thing that will get this stock in gear is the announcement of the 800 lb gorilla. Wheter it be this week or in the future. Until there is word on this agreement we will stay right here.