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Saturday, 07/12/2014 7:28:46 PM

Saturday, July 12, 2014 7:28:46 PM

Post# of 263702
Should the Federal Government and FDA Be Sued for Murder?
June 3, 2014 unitedpatientsgroup

Note: Today July 12,2014 we put to rest another life long friend age 49 unfortunately another statistic, He will be missed.. frown

The federal government is allowing sick people to die when it knows that cannabis could save them.

The DEA still classifies cannabis as a Schedule I controlled substance—meaning it supposedly has “no currently accepted medical use in the United States, a lack of accepted safety for use under medical supervision, and a high potential for abuse.”

But all the way back in 2001, the US Department of Health and Human Services filed a patent (awarded as #6630507 in 2003) for cannabinoids, the chemicals in cannabis that make it such an effective medicine.

The abstract of the patent says:

“Cannabinoids have been found to have antioxidant properties, unrelated to NMDA Care For Elderly In Wheelchairreceptor antagonism. This new found property makes cannabinoids useful in the treatment and prophylaxis of wide variety of oxidation associated diseases, such as ischemic, age-related, inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. The cannabinoids are found to have particular application as neuroprotectants, for example in limiting neurological damage following ischemic insults, such as stroke and trauma, or in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and HIV dementia. Non-psychoactive cannabinoids, such as cannabidiol, are particularly advantageous to use because they avoid toxicity that is encountered with psychoactive cannabinoids at high doses useful in the method of the present invention.”

So the federal government says that cannabis has no medicinal value, but then quietly patents cannabinoids for their medicinal value? It’s an outrage!

superpillEven worse, while the government drags its feet on rescheduling cannabis, it’s approving dangerous, addiction-causing drugs. A new form of super-Vicodin that contains up to five times the amount of hydrocodone as previous pills was recently approved by the FDA over the objections of addiction specialists and watchdog groups. The new drug—sold under the name Zohydro— does not have time-release protection, so it can easily be crushed up and snorted or injected. Zohydro was approved after only one twelve-week trial that left many observers skeptical about its effectiveness in treating chronic pain.

“When you talk to pain specialists in our field, they will all tell you one indisputable fact—opiates are lousy drugs to treat chronic pain,” said one FDA committee member who voted against approval.

Even worse, five of the 300 people in the clinical trial died.Religion, death and dolor - funeral and cemetery; funeral with

So the federal government is approving a drug that contains five times as much of a highly addictive chemical that is known to kill people, but it refuses to allow the use of medical cannabis, even though it clearly knows the benefits of this natural, non-lethal medicine? The government has blood on its hands, and it must be held accountable.

Mary Lynn Mathre, RN, MSN, CARN, the co-founder of Patients Out of Time, says, “It is ridiculous that the DEA gets away with practicing medicine without a license! People are SqLogo300suffering and people are dying because our government is playing games. Scientists have discovered a complex molecular signaling system throughout our bodies that keeps us in balance and protects us from stressors. It is called the endocannabinoid system and to put it very simply, cannabis can feed this system to help us get healthy and stay healthy.”

It’s high time we told the federal government that we know about its criminal behavior. Stop pretending you don’t know that cannabis is a life-saving medicine. Stop caving to Big Pharma and approving unsafe, unhelpful drugs. Stop letting Americans die by denying them the help they need. What you’re doing is tantamount to murder, and you must be accountable for your actions.

Please Note: This is Part 1 of a Three Part blog series.

17 thoughts on “Should the Federal Government and FDA Be Sued for Murder?”

Barbara Rutner on June 4, 2014 at 11:01 am said:

No one could be more dismayed than I that the Federal Government continues to scare patients away from this valuable medicine. My husband is alive today because of a tiny 1/3 of a capsule of Cannabis that he started taking once a day when he was weeks from death with stage 3B lung cancer with metastasis to his brain. That was 3 years ago and he’s still healthy today!

We run into people daily, here in our retirement community, with health issues that could very likely be deminished with the use of cannabis in an oil or a capsule if only it were as simple as going to their doctor and getting a prescription!

Barbara Rutner
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Linda Rocco on June 5, 2014 at 5:06 am said:

Barbara, what state do you live in? Can you send me resources at Thank you. My friend, who is newly diagnosed with brian cancer (lymphoma in her brain) is wanting to do this… please send info if you can. Thank you.
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BARBARA RUTNER on June 6, 2014 at 8:43 am said:

Linda, We live in California. Our daughter and son-in-law are the owners of United Patients Group. You can access my husband’s story by Googling Stan Rutner YouTube.
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Fred Delmer on June 11, 2014 at 8:09 am said:

I too am a survivor of ocular lymphoma and cns lymphoma. Misdiagnosed, I got eye injections with steroids and a trial drug from Santen. After catarac surgery and vitrectomy my vision improved a bit but I lost all energy. Was taken to emergency and diagnosed with eye and brain cancer. Luckily I had grown my own medicine and watched Rick Simpson on how to extract and a freind processed it in capsules. I dosed pretty much as instructed and continue daily use. This month, I am six months cancer free and my vision is as good as ever. I credit my recovery to a skilled oncologist, chemo and cannabis. Yes, we should rally a team of lawyers and sue them to give us our medicine withou making us criminals.
Reply ? on June 11, 2014 at 12:13 pm said:

Congratulations Fred! It is always rewarding to hear the successes. Thank you for that!

All the best,

consuelo donato on June 5, 2014 at 11:51 am said:

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Alexis on June 5, 2014 at 3:57 pm said:

Good point!
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BARBARA RUTNER on June 6, 2014 at 9:00 am said:

It’s unconscionable that our government passed The Affordable (NOT) Care Act on us, professing to care about our health and welfare, while erroneously classifying this health-giving medicine as a Schedule One drug, along with Heroine, for God’s sake!! TO SERVE JUSTICE THERE MUST BE CONSEQUENCES!!
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Stan on June 9, 2014 at 12:45 pm said:

There are soooo many anecdotal stories of cures, improvements, and success with cannabis, one would think the government would get a clue and pass a MEDICAL MARIJUANA law that would prevent smoking by kids, but allow grown ups to get help for a wide variety of problems.
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John P. Miller, MD on June 9, 2014 at 12:48 pm said:

I am a 76 7.0. doctor who specialized in pain syndromes, E.R. physician also. I was drafted i the Vietnam war in DEc 1966, served my full tour of 13 months. I BECAME SEVERELY DEPRESSED, ATTEMPTED SUICIDE FROM Triaging the wounded and dying marines and south Vietnamese which I wasn’tsupposed to treat. I was threatened with reprimands, threats of court martial for “my bad attitude about our search and destroy policy, allying ourselves with a crooked so. Vietnamese govt!! my flashbacks, nightmares, depression was noticeable to the Navy corpsmen and one suggested oral marijuana which I drank as tea. my insomnia, flashbacks, nightmares ceased. the saddest part of all for the Vietnam, Iraqi, and afghan vets is the therapy for PTSD is next to worthless. Psychotherapist help, but to cure the insomnia, the various sleeping pills, antidepressants sure don’t help my suicidal ideation. I just decided to try my Vietnam therapy and now I don’t have the insomnia which can cause a serious toxic psychosis!!

since the VA has outlawed the use of marijuana, the daily suicide rate is 22 vets per day!! yes, I can relate to the head of the DEA being anti-marijuana, that big PHarma, doesn’t want any compettion for its drugs. I predict that some one will combine the current drugs with CBD which will lower the amount of currents drugs and be more beneficial for neurological diseases. right now I am using 50/50 hemp oil and virgin olive oil to treat an autoimmune skin disease. before that I was using 40 mgm prednisone tapered dose after 3 days to obtain relief. Prednisone over long treatment regimens causes muscle wasting and other damage to the body. by the way you can buy hemp oil at Sprouts.

I don’t think the head of theDEA should be tried for murder; but she should be sued by patients who are dying from lack of care.It really amazes that when you go to a VA hospital, you see these signs that say”we honor your service”—well show us by introducing the use of Marijuana to help the Vets suffering from PTSD who have turned to alcohol, other street drugs. by the way any group who advocates for this usuage, I will be glad to come and tell my story of the use of marjiana.
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Anne Goebel on June 12, 2014 at 7:13 am said:

Dear John Milller,
Are you taking Hemp oil/ Olive oil internally for Psoriasis? I’ve been using hemp oil on my scalp every few days with help itching and flaking.
Please clarify how you use it and for what skin problem.
Anne G
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Barbara Rutner on June 9, 2014 at 8:02 pm said:

What a valuable story! I’m excited to share it with a friend here in our retirement community who’s suffered for years from PTSD. I’ve suggested he try cannabis, but he’s skeptical and I didn’t have much information to support it. Thanks you so much! His quality of life may greatly improve because you shared your story.
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mad and sad in cali on June 10, 2014 at 8:06 am said:

Absolutely, they should be tried for murder and held accountable along with the so called “hospice groups”, I would like to see a class action brought against them all. I just watched as I tried to save my dear sweet Mom’s life from brain tumor, after her brain surgery in 2011, and then 1 1/2 years of bi-weekly avastin “experimental” intravaneous blood blocking cancer treatment and then she had a small stroke in Nov. 2013. I tried giving her cbd oil after her rehab and she was doing just fine, and then her husband brought “hospice” in and they drugged her to death all the while leaving it in the hands of her 89 yr old husband to dose her 4 times a day, pain or not, for 1 month with “controlled substances” Morphine for pain and Temazepam for “anxiety”. She didn’t have anxiety or hardly any pain and had never had anything stronger at her rehab after her stroke than Tylenol and ibuprofen. They KILLED her and DRUGGED her to death. She went from being fine, walking and talking January- February 2014 to completely bedridden with catheter in a matter of days after hospice came and started dosing her in March 2014. They murdered her with morphine and temazepam and insisted it was the “disease”. THEY are the DISEASE and need to be stopped!!! I didn’t have power of attorney so my family and I just watched as the “medical community” killed her. She died April 11, 2014 after 1 month of massive drugging and complete starvation. I know if she had cbd oil alone she would be healed and still here today. I would like to be involved, please add me to your campaign. Thank you for standing UP! ~ MAD and SAD in CALI
Reply ? on June 10, 2014 at 9:47 am said:

Dear Mad and Sad,

We are SO sorry for your loss. Unfortunately there is a lot of educating to be done. What researchers have found is that CBD arrests the spread of cancer but it is the THC that acually kills the cancer cells. From what we have learned through this process with my father, it is the WHOLE plant that needs to be utilized. See my father’s story of 2 weeks to live to “No Evidence of Recurrent Disease”. We hope that you have found peace in your heart that your sweet mother is now healthy and happy!
All the best,

My Dad’s Story:
Update 2 Years later:
How THC kills cancer:
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Cynthia on June 12, 2014 at 5:00 pm said:

We should be allowed to treat ourselves with natural resources ..this is a plant a flower NOT man made, I’m trying to understand how they can patent it and keep it from people when the plant was here before mankind…what if they start patenting roses or basil or water oh ya they have…YES they should be held accountable and they should be ashamed…May God Bless them
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Kathy Rose on June 20, 2014 at 1:24 pm said:

My husband was diagnosed with stage 1 pancreatic cancer last September (2013)

We were told that Pancreatic cancer is a fast and deadly killer and that there is no cure.

We have small children. This news was completely devastating.

But the doctors told us we were lucky because we caught it early and it hadn’t spread yet.

In November he had the surgery to remove the tumor. They found it had spread, so they sewed him back up again – and charged us for the full operation they didn’t perform.

Once the cancer spread, the doctors told us his cancer was in stage 4 and that there was no hope.

He went downhill very quickly after that. One thing they dont tell you when you have surgery is that if the operation fails, once the air hits it, cancer often spreads much more rapidly. In December of 2013 he was given three weeks to live.

My husband had heard about something called Phoenix tears, an oil taken orally made from cannabis.

We live in NV, a medical marijuana state, and to make a long story short, we jumped through hoop after hoop to finally attain it. I didnt really believe it would work, and he didnt either, but when your life is on the line you’ll try anything.

My husband began taking Phoenix tears in late December 2013.

At first he actually got sicker – a common phenomenon that scares people into stopping taking the oil – but it was just the oil doing its work.

Slowly he began to get better.
His color and vitality returned. He started getting dressed in the morning again, rejoining family activities, driving, and even working again.

Over time his cancer fell counts in his blood dropped from 5000+ to under 32. This took about five months.

On June 5th he was declared cancer free. CANCER FREE.


His oncologist is speechless. All other doctors he shows his medical records to are astounded.

We’ve tried to tell the media but no one so far will cover the story despite the fact that he has his medical records and myriad witnesses to prove it.

Everyone else who was in the same study as my husband (none of whom took the cannabis oil aka Phoenix tears) made it. They are all dead.

We did a lot of digging and found that cannabis oil is a cure for many different cancers including but not limited to breast, kidney, brain, stomach, prostate, skin cancer, leukemia, and of course pancreatic cancer.

In the US cannabis is classified as a class 1 narcotic so it cant even be studied in this country, cancer patients are arrested left and right for even possessing it if their lives depend
on it – which it does.

Many other countries admit its a cure. But if a doctor in this country even suggests it to a patient and the word gets out, they can lose their license and their livelihood.

Why? Perhaps because your typical chemo treatment costs $4800 per week. Cannabis oil costs $80 per week and can be grown in your own backyard.

if this is all happening, which i assure you it is, what does that tell you about the media, the FDA, and the government in general?

I have no agenda. I only want to help people. I think marijuana is bad for people if smoked. Cannabis oil must be taken orally or it wont work.

So what could possibly be my motive except to give people hope and wake people up?

Reply ? on June 20, 2014 at 3:35 pm said:

Thank you so much for your amazing story! My father was given 2 weeks to live and was sent home to die. He was cancer free in 9 months! I share your joy and your frustration. Congratulations to you both! If you would like to get your story out there we can help you do that. Feel free to call us at 415-524-8099.
Wishing you all the peace and joy you so deserve!
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