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Re: DirkDiggler85 post# 208873

Monday, 06/30/2014 9:26:17 PM

Monday, June 30, 2014 9:26:17 PM

Post# of 380620
I'm really excited about the potential of Best Buy. They have over 1053 locations in the US alone and are much better equipped to give customers the WoW factor when demonstrating the product. Just image an NP-1 hooked up in a Magnolia high Hifi room, with a high end TV, Ultraflix loop playing and surround sound for a demonstration. I worked for BestBuy for a number of years and I personally know the impact this can have on customers when demoed properly. Target is more of a grab and go company but with 1793 stores nation wide, it still would be quite a accomplishment for NTEK.

BestBuy Locations


Target Locations