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Re: Lookin4MyDream post# 917

Thursday, 06/12/2014 4:54:32 PM

Thursday, June 12, 2014 4:54:32 PM

Post# of 935
SWC is 97.80% Institutional Held and today was
a fine example just how the whole market would
react should we see a stock market crash.

They sell before the market opens and the retail
investor is left in the cold. His only chance was to
sell the day before at 18.00. Do you see that gap
in the chart from 17.10 to 18. That will have to be filled
The price will go up to fill that gap 95% of the time.

It's fine for a lot of us as we try to build a more
significant positions.

They say the SA big 3 miners strike offer is the same one
they offered 4 months ago, Just repackaged
I hope the miners stick to their guns and continue
holding out. But their union is being pressured so
bad now by the government as the whole country
is on the verge of depression because of it.
Their union is caving in today.

The miners are starving and the big 3 companies are
trying to starve them out.

check out the gap in he chart here