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Alias Born 09/23/2009

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Wednesday, 06/11/2014 11:50:09 PM

Wednesday, June 11, 2014 11:50:09 PM

Post# of 935
SWC 18.00HOY +.61(+3.52%)To ensure supplies, London-based Johnson Matthey, which makes one of every three catalysts in the world, agreed last month with Stillwater Mining Co. (SWC) to buy all the palladium the U.S. company mines for the next five years. Billings, Montana-based Stillwater will get market prices and premiums for the metal and “very good rates” on refining services, Chief Executive Officer Michael McMullen said by e-mail. Prices may reach a record $1,150 over the next two years, topping the previous high of $1,125 in 2001, he said.

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