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Re: igotthemojo post# 74116

Monday, 05/05/2014 7:43:49 PM

Monday, May 05, 2014 7:43:49 PM

Post# of 286045

why is it no one believes kblb has any competitors except for when kim needs to use them as an excuse to not say anything?....

No one stated there aren't competitors....

Case and point,a company is potentially positioned to manufacture 100kg of spider silk fiber a month, in 2015, if all goes well.

Click For Article

While they'll be doing that (at a more expensive market-price), they will have to see if it is even financially feasible to continue operations.

Who knows?

All I can say is that big names like duPont and BASF discontinued their efforts because the dollars were no longer making "cents."

Another solid factoid,is my "forward thinking statement":


NOWHERE does it state that they are the SOLE PROVIDER (not at this point in time,anyways) wink

As straight-forward a statement as was intended.

btw, that 4-28 pr has absolutely nothing to do with this pr..

You'll have to excuse me if I don't simply take your word for it.

Kim stated he wouldn't provide certain details for specific reasons and you feel it doesn't apply.

His words:

We will remain guarded on certain details that could give aid to potential competitors,

This most certainly applies,as I noticed a few trying to interpret the entire contents of todays press release, entitled:

Kraig Biocraft Laboratories’ Prepares for First Monster Silk™ Textiles

You and I included.

Now if the header stated something to the effect of: KBLB Sends Reprocessed MS To Warwick Mills that would be one thing.

KBLB is PREPARING,(hence making arrangements for the eventual arrival of),the FIRST MONSTER SILK TEXTILES.


I've never claimed to have all the answers but feel i'm beginning to corner the market in questions worthy of solutions.

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