I'm not sold yet...
CC is telling a different story than the 10Q. MINE website still has a tab reserved for V-Fizz, no PR stating different than the original aquisition of V-Fizz into the L5 portfolio.
What you're suggesting is that on the CC, Vanis mislead shareholders as to relationship between V-FIZZ and MINE... which would bring a world of pain down on him legally.
So again, if what you're hinting at is true, why would he put himself in that position?
Have you contacted Minerco IR for clarification to this? If so, can you please post a screenshot of the email for us?
Because until you can prove a change in the relationship between MINE-L5-VitaminFizz, there isn't much of an argument at this point in time IMO.
I'm no legal expert, but you're raising some pretty serious red flags here that shouldn't be taken seriously until further proof can be brought to the tabel (for me to buy into your theory anyways)...