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Post# of 112756
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Alias Born 02/19/2013

Re: None

Tuesday, 04/15/2014 8:42:29 PM

Tuesday, April 15, 2014 8:42:29 PM

Post# of 112756
Everyone that orders a VITACIG will order many more after trying them. These really are that good. I can't wait to start my day with Energize, get a pick me up after lunch with a Refresh, and cap my day off in my spa or bed with my favorite, Relax. These are amazing and all you have to do is puff on it. Amazing, timeless design. I will hold my many MCIG shares and load up on even more VITACIG shares. I am not pumping, I am just blown away by this product at this price point. $2 a piece is a steal. I would not be surprised if a big company tried to buy us out. I bet everyone here will be surprised by the first quarter numbers. I know that I will be good for at least 50+ for me and many, many more from referrals. One thing I wonder is if future production VITACIGS will have the stock symbol on them when the company starts to trade (like mCig does). MCIG/VITACIG Long