I didn't think it was possible to be a prof trader w/o the ability to maintain a clear, objective head, steady game plan... and stifle emotions. (I listen, Lowtrade). I find Pit entertaining but not necessarily professional. Maybe it's just the "GTE-effect" on Pit---the fact that at this stage of the game, we're all still reading tea leaves---leaving us all frustrated and emotional. LOL Guess we're learning first hand why Institutions prefer to pay a little more for a Co that has FIRST PROVED more of itself prior to their entry point. As far as faith...what can I say...should be reserved for a different arena...smart money already knows that. At this point for us longs, I can only HOPE that Mide is right and everyone else will soon just be chasing the pps....For you swingers, it's a much different ballgame--so I don't find Pit's ins and outs strange--only his seeming "bi-polar" execution style. LOL
No L2 here---so love Pit's tick by tick commentary on the days he gives + I'm able to watch... DK what your game is Pit, but you're definitely human.. just like the rest of us. Shame on you if it's anything other than that. On our deathbed, mere money never comforts as we look back.......
Pit's calls for close have been pretty accurate...