Agree Argonath, .006 IMO
And do not underestimate Livestar, there are things in the works with this Company.
It is a combination of 2 things. Hawkins original baby was Livestar, and with the money from selling JPHC, he can rebuild it.
Second, the company in negotiations probably doesnt want the Livestar company since it has nothing to do with voice communications, or networks.
The free dividend will of course be worth something in the future, or worthless dependant upon how Hawkins rebuilds Livestar.
What people are EXCITED about is not the dividend, but what the dividend means to the shorters of JPHC. If there are short positions, THOSE investors will be required to pay for the dividend to others out of their own pocket. PLUS, it will force a full discolsure of how much stock is currently shorted. Once that number is known, and the company valuation is done (along with the buyout signed), the shorts will have to cover... and since most longs own the stock, they will demand WELL ABOVE the valuation price to sell shares for the shorts to cover.
See USXP... this is a mirror image.