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The Whale
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Happy Trails

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Alias Born 11/08/2012

The Whale
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Happy Trails

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The Whale
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Happy Trails

The Whale My Stocks

Ticker Board News Price Change Chg% Added
ICNB Iconic Brands Inc 0.001 0.0 0.00% 05/11/2017
My ICNB Pitch: The CEO is a scammer. Spends the whole day eating cheeseburgers and farting. Very gross. And he has a hairy back. Disgusting.
The Digital Dev. Group Corp. (fka DIDG) 09/05/2014
My Pitch: Run from this stock and never look back. Run as fast as you possibly can. Subpenny coming. CEO started career in hard core porn industry. Scary guy. He has been married and divorced like 4 times too. And he wears earrings at the age of 72. Weird!!!!!!! And he babbles.
* Market data is delayed 15-20 minutes.