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Register for free to join our community of investors and share your ideas. You will also get access to streaming quotes, interactive charts, trades, portfolio, live options flow and more tools.
whats the consensus here as to if we hear anything monday. good or bad. I believe we hear nothing and if we do it will amount to nothing.
will we hear anything about the sales of the mines tomorrow? whether or not their gold or silver. what about the minerals they said their was an interest in. I'm hoping tomorrow we hear something.
I don't want to sound too greedy.actually I don't care. I'm just hoping that we hear something positive and end all this b.S. that been going on for decades. Hopefully Friday or at the latest by next Wednesday. Win or lose
lol. got it. thanks
isn't something suppose to happen friday. I seem to remember something being mention.
So what does all this mean? Does this scam go on or will we get some possibilities of something positive
does anyone really think that r&l intend on following through with anything except filling their own pockets? I too have owned this for decades. I advise anyone to look at there past before they "invest" here.
here it is next week here already. will we hear anything? doubt it. so
what are we really doing here? just wasting time? hoping wishing? I'm going to to run out and get a pipe. what for you ask, to celebrate having this pipe dream. okay that was pretty stupid
I don't understand why anyone would think this was a money maker when for the past few years its be hanging in their for .0001 and has no proving assets. wouldn't mind if the pump this scam to .01 so i can get some of my money back.
really???? what makes you think that? Can you tell us details so us non-believers can see where we've go wrong. tia
my sentiments too. I've been here for decades. would never put good money here after what I know now.
I don't understand how anyone could say how well a stock is doing when the bid and ask remain sub penny for years and basically remain triple 0. Could someone answer that for me? tia
wouldn't this be sometime if it wasn't a scam jmo
i'm hanging in their too. I've lost so much already I might as well stick it out on this POS I've been here for about two decades. gee time goes fast
Good question? I don't have an answer but I never thought of that. Makes sense to me
I "think" i'd be happy if we reached 5cents by end of summer.
Please don't wake me up to realty. I always like to dream.
will we ever see a .05/share? I could use it now.
so what your saying is we now own (lets say)if we owned 10 shares of ffgo any they re-issue them we will own 10 shares of ffgo and 10 shares of gncp???
The other thing i don't understand is why Ameritrade had to void ffgo shares.Will we ever see those Shares of ffgo ?
Too confusion
Some one has to explain whats going on with all these shares to me.
O.K. Some tell me when gncp will reach a .05 My guess is it will get to -.05 and never hit .05
So what your saying is retail is not worth anything because there will be a huge reverse split to make sure us retail holders share will be worthless. The dollar a share is will be worth a dollar a share because of the reverse split.
At least that's the way I read it.
I'm just setting by the curb waiting, dreaming for something positive to happen here But not expecting anything. Just dreaming and wishing for anything positive. Because no matter how much we know we really don't know.
just wanted to get that off my chest.
just waiting and hoping for something to happen soon
new trucks. same old route
how long will it take to hit a buck? and i don't mean a deer
Does anyone think the ops will really move up ? Or is this pure hip? I’m hoping it’s for real. Guess we have to wait and see. I’m hoping it will make a difference to the up side
what's a huge win? .01,05. .10
I hate to say this but some of this sounds strangely farmiliar form past years. Hope not. I actually hoping that all is good here. I guess we'll fined out soon enough
Anyone know whats going on here? haven't heard a pep from the company for a while. I've txt them several times but never get an answer. It would would be nice to get some sort of update.
I'm still waiting for the fire !!!!!
anyone think this will get to a penny by mid summer??
were do you see the pps going after all the nws
not doing any dd in a long time i still think that if this was to happen the bid would at least show a inkling of a higher bid price. That wouuld prove to me thatTHEIR WAS really something going on here. WHY AT this point would i believe any thing they say when they don't come threw with what they say most of the time
yeah yeah yeah the only reason i'm sticking this out is because most of the money i put into this is gone anyway. so i don't have much more to lose.
doesn't the deal always fall threw???? how about a penny a share let alone a buck??
well well this is certainly proving its self to be a scam over and over again. go back in its history an see how much miss information they have told us. ajmo
how long can this go on for? It's decades already
Are we still alive here?
I thought we would be at nickel today lololol
anyone think we will hear anything on april 29th or 30th??? the only thing i think we will hear is nothing