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Register for free to join our community of investors and share your ideas. You will also get access to streaming quotes, interactive charts, trades, portfolio, live options flow and more tools.
any chance this might get to a penny. lol just thought I'd throw that in this pos
does anyone really think this company really exists? I don't If you do believe it does exist were do you think it exists tell me why >
In my opinion it<s a scam. A bunch of promises and no follow though. jmo
what updates????? I just see a Bunch of B.S.
I'va been in this this pos for years and wonder if these guys ever tell the truth about any thing they do. I wonder if they are really religious as they make out to b. Happy New Years hopefully we'll have a better year ahead with gncp
really. And I thought it was all a scam just a thought I had. So next week should be right on not jmo
more of the same but different bs. or is it the same bs?
does "GNCP" really exist or is this all"B.S.? OR another way of putting is , is it really worth anything or just make believe?
All i want to know is, when do we get our money if ever call me greedy. i've been here waiting and nothing to show except losses
maybe it might be a scam????
I hate to agree with you but after all these years of holding on to this pos I find myself agree with you. Can't get around it. I believe this is a SCAM too.
i.ll take a penny per share
Im not selling just frustrating they seem to never make their own date anyway Ill hang in their and hope for the best. On a different note, I read your post all the time. i'm still hoping for that penny. Or is that wishful thinking. lol
So when will we see the fruits of our investment? I've been here for more than a decade and gone up and down with gncp and i still am broke. hopefully this week coming up we will see some sort of up trend. So long as I'm wishing I might as will wish for a penny lmao
which next week? next week or 12 weeks from now?
I just want to know when we're going to the Moon? I need a date!!!
What can we expect for next week? Same old sheeet?? What a scam!!! I was hoping after all the years of B.S. We'd be at least a penny.
any guesses as to what to expect today and tomorrow as far as stock prices and information about what they expect to do in the future with gncp. not that they will do whatever they say or follow through. I have NO idea or expectation. just more hype. I'd be happy for a penny.
I'd be happy if it just got to a penny. I know that's wishful thinking too.
just curious on why you think, or hope this pos will go to and why your so sure it will go up?
Like next week? lol
agree with you a 100%
seems like a re-run every weekend. " Next week is the big one" Fred Sanford. I'd like to see this go to a penny some time in July. Just wishful thinking.
How about some GOOD NEWS?
I think if we were to sky rocket it would have happen already. according to what i believe in what you said when gncp turned PINK we should have been to the moon and back
can some one explain to me why this is or isn't a positive move for gncp? And what this means in simple terms? It all seems like wasted effort.
So my question is, When will see some real positive share price. My personal opinion is, never. Just more B.S.
why would the short buyers get a divi when they really don't own any stock. they own nothing. So what's the bib deal/ as far as i'm concern they can short as many as they want. all that would do is increase share price
Stop pulling our legs. One of my legs is longer than the other from this . All this bull sheet is old already. It's time to inform us with some truth. tell us what's really going on instead of all your misinformation just to get our money. according to you guys their enough money to share. (I really don't believe that either)
hope your right. I thought he meant Monday.
How could anyone here believe in this company After all the delays and lies we've been tOLD
How come the future never seems to happen? Their ain't No help here in my opinion time to move on to another scam imo
Disappointed so far in gncp I was hoping with gncp going pink that might have it go up instead. but no this far today is a piece of SEET
what do you think Monday going to bring? Any news, good or bad news or just more B/s.
Thanks Alan I might just do that
What I don't understand is why "GNCP" isn't a penny stock with all this "BS" they sprout. I've been here for years and all they do is tell you you things they never follow through with. I have shares for years that I've don't sell because I've lost just about all that I've invested. So I'll just hang in there. dd at this point (at least for me) Isn't worth selling at this point.
Hope thing will change here and "GNCP" start thinking of the people that invested in them.
We're Pink if I understand what I read this morning. What now????? I thought once we turned PINK We'd be Flying high. what I'm asking is, "what now"? personally i'm hoping to see GNCP go to a penny soon.[color=red][color=red][/color][/color]
I have to admit that I was expecting some news today. Not just more bull shoot. In the back of my mind I felt the that nothing would be told of any importance i'm still disappointed
guess i have to go to work today. lol
no pennyland today surprise!!!
Nothing seems to change.
I feel the same way you But you said it better than me