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I agree with you 100%.
Georgia is over No more excuses for Calabria
All green lights are on waiting for Calabria.
Calabria needs to do his Job !
I know that’s asking for alot.
Hard to believe MC/SM will do nothing
Most of us here believe that some action will take place
soon now that the Georgia Election is over today.
Will Calabria be Fired on Jan 21 ?
Most likely Biden will can him on Day 1.
The UST definitely knows what the Ruling is
They were told right after the hearing how this would
be ruled on. The Supreme just has not released it to
the public.
The public is always last to know.
Good to see Sweeney is out of there !
Hope someone is writing all this down
In 25 years nobody is even gonna believe something like this
even happened so hopefully squid boy is writing a book.
All these people incharge should be Embarrassed
Nobody has ever seen anything like it before.
Instead they want to fight until no End
What a 3 rink circus clown show.
Holden asyou already know there should've beena deal !
As you already know this should have never even made it
to the Supreme other than people in charge who don’t know
how to compromise.
A massive waste of time and manpower for no reason.
The High Court has already Ruled onthe Case
They just haven’t published the ruling yet that’s all.
I’m sure the behind the doors phone call has already
been made to UST and FHFA on when / how they will
publish the ruling.
Mnuchin said Supreme case of utmost Importance !
The court should act immediately on the case just heard if
it’s really of utmost importance to the country.
They are still cheap at 2.39
Not going to happen today
After Georgia
Amelia43 Georgia is just a few days Away
Hold the line.
HERA is an Embarrassment to the American People
No Rights for you under the Law.
GOVT is trying tosay Youhave norights under HERA
This is why the Supreme should toss HERA altogether.
I don’t think they will since the Supreme is weaker today
than it’s ever been in the history of this country.
GOVT already conceded FHFA Director canbe Fired
They knew that part of the case before the Supreme was
clearly lost. Heck they even refused to defend their position
that’s how bad it was.
It all depends on what Biden wants to do. Believe it if he
wants Calabria out of there then he will be removed period.
Biden can Fire Calabria at will anytime
He can have Calabria booted right out of the FHFA
building and there is nothing Calabria can do about it
except file a lawsuit which he will end up losing.
Earnings Caps are a GOVT smokescreen
It diverts attention away from what they are really
trying to pull here.
He just needs to be back on Jan6
I don’t care where he is at either as long as
he returns on Jan6.
Georgia run-off Election one week Away
Don’t tell me it was Concast
Setting the GSEs up for Failure helps Nobody
The massive restructuring you are contemplating will
push the GSEs right to the very edge of collapse. That
definitely helps nobody.
If they plan to release these companies Yes
There is a deal to be made here if they want to make one.
Where is the money going to come from ?
There is not enough cash to restructure this way. It’s a bridge
to far.
GSEs need to buy back Warrants
They should be sold back to GSEs at a discount.
Nothing needs to be done with JPS
JPS is money the GSEs have already obtained and nothing
needs to be done with it right now.
No future possible if SPS not written off
Both MC and SM understand this very well.
The entire Conservatorship is a Big Political Game !
There is more Political nonsense going on with Fannie
and Freddie than any other companies in the world by
a very wide margin.
2 Green Lights on and 1 to Go !
1. Stimulus finished
2. Budget complete
3. Now waiting for Georgia Run OFF.
After Jan 6th the coast will be clear for Calabria
to do his job.
Wash Post trying to divide !
Trump and Mnuchin have been working well together from
the very beginning. Myself I don’t believe anything written in
the Wash Post.
Mnuchin is adamant that warrants will be sold
He has talked about this several times and has not
backed down on his statements.
I don’t believe anything will happen until Jan 6 thru Jan 20.
After Georgia Run OFF
Supreme will say You can Fire Calabria Immediately
Then send the compensation part back to the lower
court. So I believe this has a way to go yet in the courts.
None of this stops Calabria or Mnuchin from doing their
jobs in writing the one way street out.
I’ve had it I’m selling all GOVT bonds !
They are just going to use the bond money to pay
for things I don’t believe in so I’m selling all of my
GOVT investments now.
With new admin they will be at bottom !
Americans always get pushed to the bottom when
globalist politician’s are in charge.
I hope he does Veto it
What the hell are we giving other countries like Pakistan
money for anyways. They ain’t never gonna do anything
for us.
Will Calabria Fail to get the Job done ?
He has until Jan 21 then he will be Fired. I
wonder who Biden has picked to take over.
HERA is the Laughing Stock of Law/Order !
The GOVT has not followed HERA since the very
beginning so why should they start now.