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I found a journal entry listing Kevetrin as a potential New Drug Target. Small mention but nonetheless, the word is getting out and phase I is not complete so I'm excited.
Please see Table 1. on page 8 of the PDF:
MDM2-p53 Interaction in Paediatric Solid Tumours: Preclinical Rationale,
Biomarkers and Resistance[/I]
Lastly, I apologize if this has been posted before. It has a date of sometime in 2014.
Thanks FRROL, so at a minimum, someone at this lab has read the preclinical work? Is that what you're thinking?
***Did you review the Esophageal CA report?
I'm no detective but Shaggy and Scooby Doo would be ordering a Pizza by now.
Thanks! With all the focus on B we forget about the sleeping giant.
GO CTIX and GO Kevetrin
Found another report! This time for esophageal cancer:
Ok, this may not be significant to most but it is to me. I have found what I believe to be 3rd party verification/endorsement that Kevetrin activates and restores P-53 function.
This report is from a specialized lab providing a pathology report of sorts for a male patient with lung cancer born in 1950.
Specimen date(s)
Collection Date: 7/25/2014 12:00:00 AM
Received Date: 7/31/2014 3:45:00 PM
Report Date: 8/7/2014 4:05:36 PM
I am NOT a physician but my opinion is based on the following quote listed multiple times on this report:
"Additionally, kevetrin (thioureidobutyronitrile) is a novel drug that activates p53 and may be effective in treatment of drug-resistant cancers with mutant p53. Phase 1 clinical trials are underway with this compound
(Kumar et al., 2012; AACR 2012, Abstract 2874)."
I am pumped up but I realize that this may be of little to no significance.
BK, SLICIMMUNO, TOB or any other knowledgeable posters care to share their opinion?
Artificially violates the law of supply and demand through their manipulation. This is 2015 and market makers are not needed. They could have all been replaced by a single computer chip. The market does not need middle man at this day and age.
We need to knock the middle man out and go forward into the 21st century.
Well said.
Go CTIX!!!
Team, if you have HBO please watch: "Vice Special Report: Killing Cancer"
*** the focus is on targeted T cells for Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL)
*** 2 things that we should note
A. The Dr Studying the treatment ran out of money so he published anyway in the NYT with only 4 patients in the study to date. He was able to raise money and continue.
B. More importantly, the doctor feels the TX will go to market in 2016.
I feel both of these things are important to highlight because if your product works finding research money isn't that difficult. Second, this is only a 4 patient study that had impressive results and for it to hit the market next year is lightening speed. We need a paradigm shift... A product that clearly benefits patients will be flung forward rather than encumbered.
Go Kevetrin!!!
I'm glad I dug deeper and now view this as "Biological Therapy".
The various types of therapy are listed on the NCI website:
Under the "Gene Therapy" definition
#8 from the National Cancer Institute:
Replacing an altered tumor suppressor gene that produces a nonfunctional protein (or no protein) with a normal version of the gene. Because tumor suppressor genes (e.g., TP53) play a role in preventing cancer, restoring the normal function of these genes may inhibit cancer growth or promote cancer regression.
***Now I have to admit the key word chosen was "replacing" vice "restoring" of function. I believe this to be because they have been trying to restore P53 for decades without success. Kevetrin will be a trailblazer. Second to that this is the best fit for it as it definitely is not traditional chemotherapy that kills cells good and malignant.
Not Cytotoxic. And affects p-53 function therefore Gene Therapy. It might be too simplistic for most but bare bones truth.
Its the *ahoo bubbas churning. But as we advance in SP they will have a harder time making and money.
From the article that Georgejjl posted:
"Researchers and drug companies asked the Food and Drug Administration for its opinion, realizing that if the F.D.A. did not accept the studies, no drugs would ever be approved on the basis of them. But the F.D.A. said it sanctioned them and could approve drugs with basket study data alone"
Sounds like our Kevetrin study might be considered a basket study!
My $0.02.
Drano, this maybe the rationale for reducing the dose. A lower dose may reduce the rate of cell wall destruction to the point that the body can remove the material(s) without experiencing an adverse reaction/event.
It sounds pretty straightforward to me.
Thank you TOB! Much appreciated!
Can't wait to get an update on Prurisol!
Isn't that same pathway we are seeking for Prurisol? If not, sorry for jumping the gun. Im not at the PC.
GO Brilacidin!!!
Thanks for sharing!!!
By your math closer to $14 PPS.
Well said Drano!
Go CTIX!!!
The long t1/2 also makes physicians weary of the hapatoxocity/nephrotoxicity.
Go Brilacidin!
This company is Motorcraft, GM and Mopar combined. If you understand the analogy you understand its worth.
Lets put this in the perspective of an automobile or motorcycle. If you try to jump into 2nd gear before you are traveling at the optimal rate of speed, you will actually slow down before speeding up thereby delaying you and keeping you from catching up to your intended speed (which would have happened had you maximized the speed at 1st gear).
So, my .02 is that we need to maximize 1st (Phase I) so that we effortlessly accelerate in our progress in 2nd gear (Phase II etc.)
Go CTIX and Manual Transmissions!!!
University of Bologna start would be awesome too!
GO CTIX Pipeline!
Im thinking that Kevetrin would be hard to place a value on and they really need third parties to start crunching numbers.
They are a consulting firm.
This comes from their website:
"Our consulting engagements usually focus on helping our clients raise capital, locate suitable assets for acquisition, or find potential partners for further asset development. We also perform valuations, market assessment, and quantitative fairness opinion analyses."
So its got to be one of these reasons.
I'm speculating but I'd say Leo is either looking to partner Kevetrin or looking for a third party valuation.
GO CTIX and GO Kevetrin!
Not, it is not cytotoxic and is affecting the p-53 gene. I may be simplistic in my view but this is gene therapy.;_ylu=X3oDMTEzMDVtZ2doBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMgRjb2xvA2JmMQR2dGlkA01PVVMyNV8x/RV=2/RE=1423917704/RO=10/
Tails, thank you providing a good example how the FEDS help!
You never get something for nothing in this world. I don't think Leo will go the BARDA route but if he does it will not be a bad thing. The value of B after a successful Phase III will be so much more!
I don't think it will happen but I do believe that the Leo and a big Pharma have been going back and forth for sometime and twice Leo has had to remind them that they do not need to take a low ball offer and can use BARDA to complete Phase III for Brilacidin. He uses this as leverage and asks them to step up the bid or pay up after Phase III.
***This is the reason for PRs regarding executive orders... They are a reminder to big pharma.
No need to go it alone. I've been barking from the roofs as soon as I realized that the FEDS could finance the development of Brilacidin under BARDA. This puts us in a position of CONSIDERABLE LEVERAGE!!!!
Simple math, yes. Easy but nothing is ever simple. The details of the deal are what makes it feasible or not.
I call your bluff "Doc". If you can't see the benefits of Brilacidin over Daptomyacin Then you must be the Rug Doctor I see advertised to shampoo carpets.
Try again.
Well, they already PRd that they would be up-listing soon on several occasions so I don't see why another PR stating the same thing is required. Just my .02
Did you purchase the report?
Go Briliacidin!
Go Kevetrin!!!
The IRB gave the green light so it could be in progress right now but since we all depend on to be updated we are clueless without a PR.
Should we get a start of trail PR or an update on the clinicaltrials website we should see new investors and some added value to the marketcap.
Go Brilacidin!!!
Well said Drano! Investing in pre-sales Biotechs is investing in the science and management's ability to keep the company moving forward. The FDA drug approval process is slow so in addition to DD, patience is required.
The fact that CTIX picked up the Polymedix assets for pennies is a testament to Leo and Doc Mennon's ability.
They have QIDP designation so 60 days would be highly unlikely.
Go Brilacidin and Cellceutix!