Psychology says, it becomes difficult to accept the truth when the lies told to you were exactly what you wanted to hear.
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Is this guy still alive? How is this meaningful to current events?
The flag is an inanimate object and can't be racist. Only people can be racist and just FYI not all people that live in the southern US are racist. People that let words and flags upset them are so mentally and ethically weak it is pathetic.
Wow, I did not know the confederate states still existed. I thought we all lived in one country and were on the same team. Do they still own slaves and trade them at the town square?
Good for you. Pro business is not a bad thing.
You should pull for Bush to be the GOP candidate cuz if he iz then Hellary is guaranteed to win the throne
But she has everything to hide and has no plans to be transparent. It worked for Bammy and it will work for her.
So damn true AND funny
The reality of Democrat Policies and the Economy
I'm sure the source will be attacked by many here vs. looking at the content but those of us with a clue already knew these things before this study was completed.
Loser? Do I waste my life search posts of others to make an empty point? LOL. Owning is better than renting.......LOL.
I'm in your head again dear..... sweet dreams!!!! LOL.
This is a keeper. Thanks for posting.
Owning you = too easy.... LOL Owning is better than renting!!!!!
FBI? Why. Have you ever laughed?
My kids have a dad with a sense of humor. Your kids (if you have any) do not enjoy a mom with happiness in her life. I am sorry for that.
Only a real POS of a man would need 480 days off to be a father to his children. Where are all those welfare moms and dads? They have more than 480 days off yet they are absent from the lives of their kids. Time off from work does not make you a better parent. Being a parent 24/7/365 is what real parents do and they can do it while holding a job.
Politics and Money..... where class and decency to your fellow man come to die......
but let's not ask voters for an id before they vote............
This was never discussed as a possibility by those that promoted it.
Obammy Care Rate Hikes
Like the USPS, I am sure they will maximize efficiency and manage the health care system with the utmost proficiency. Now that we have "passed it to see what is in it" all they have to do is tweak it a bit to make it all better.......
After all, the Obammy, Hellary and our government know what is best for us and will take care of us.
Anyone that thought this law would help our citizens and this country did not think it through and was not very well informed. The govt wants to control us and this is just one step in the process. When they control our health records there is little else left for us in terms of privacy.
Why not, Bammy has been blaming Bush for everything since day 1 of his presidency because he has no solutions or even a clue.
Don't you know? It is only true if ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN or MSNBC report it. ALL other sources are incapable of reporting news.
A great liberal characteristic is to attack the source when you don't like the information.
and over 50% of population on some sort of govt subsidy..... No surprise to me that uneducated people with no desire to achieve love these two criminals. Birds of a feather flock together.
Very true
The sheep are REALLY working to defend Hillary. If you can defend her then you can't have any morals or ethics whatsoever.
If only everyone had the principles of the Clintons........ The world we be a much better place.......
The Clintons get paid a ton more for looking the other way and selling out Americans. But its ok for them to do it since they are Democrats. Go Hillary!!!! We Love You!!!!!
I am voting Hillary!!!!
They need a fast track system to lower the costs of housing them.
Koch Bros are awesome.
And I am sure they will be punished accordingly...........NOT
EPA should be shut down
"somebody" should clean that up.
a comedian as a fact checker......ROTFLMAO
why does that matter? AmTrak is a money vacuum that offers little benefit to cost whereas air and road are substantial contributors to the economy. Life aint always fair, especially when you are a drag on others.
Consider it a given. Selective statistics only in this administration
Sheeple actually think that a rich democrat is going to help the middle class. They can't see the forest for the trees. But hey, big brother knows what's best for all of us they will make everything fair for everybody. Utopia is going to be so awesome!!!!
Go Hillary!!!
Obama has it all under control. You can relax.
sorry for the edit.
I don't expect SS to exist when I am eligible to be paid back the money I have paid in so I am planning accordingly. I don't see how Medicare can exist at that time either. I hope you are planning for the same.
Enjoy your evening.