Psychology says, it becomes difficult to accept the truth when the lies told to you were exactly what you wanted to hear.
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Register for free to join our community of investors and share your ideas. You will also get access to streaming quotes, interactive charts, trades, portfolio, live options flow and more tools.
Our current king played his 245th round of golf while in office. 245 rounds of golf. That is a lot of golf for ANYBODY with a full time job over a 6 and 1/2 year period. Few CEO's and Governors could justify taking that much time off and be an effective leader and manager. But hey, all is good in the world.....right?
At least when he speaks he is not lying. But we all know that He is nothing more than a divisive tool of the Clinton machine but he has stirred things up. Very entertaining to say the least.
Enjoy your weekend!!!!
But they have to hear her tell them what to do. They can't exist without someone directing their lives. That is why they blindly follow and believe Hillary.
Yes, the only people that can lie and benefit in the short and long term are politicians.
I am so intimidated. Is there an organization that can console me and maybe hold a march for my hurt feelings?
It is not passive if you have an above average level of intelligence. Congrats. You qualified.
I'm sorry you feel that way. Hate and lack of empathy is what has put our country where it is today. I don't hate libs because I don't agree with them. I don't know the life situations that made them think that others should pay their way or that people aren't responsible for their choices and actions. My lack of understanding does not mean I hate something. I came to this board trying to get some insight on the liberal thought process. I hope the others here are not like you.
Why DIY when I can get it done for nominal amounts using illegal aliens? Their boss pays no taxes, SS, medicare, insurance, etc. The savings is passed on to the consumer. and now that our country is flooded with illegals, the price competition is raging and my costs are going down even more!!!!! It is kinda like capitalism but with the added excitement of breaking the law!!!! It gets the job done and the adrenaline flowing my good friend!
Enjoy your day
There is that liberal tolerance and compassion we have come to love. Hate = Misery friend. Enjoy your day.
Well stated Elroy.....
I don't see the pain you speak of. A great leader is a great leader, regardless of race, creed, sex, religion, etc.
PS. I'm sorry if this hurt your feelings.
Hired it out, like always. Use illegals and paid them $4.50 an hour. It was great and they did a great job. Union guys were a bit miffed but hey, I saved a ton of dough using the cheap labor. Go Merica!!!!!!
Nice post and great info.
uhmmmm, this one that you mentioned in YOUR post.....
Per NPR today, New Hampshire ranks highest in student debt - avg for the class of 2013 is $32,795, per USA Today (November, 2014)...Will the gaggle of Repubs who think they should be president address the problem of the high cost of higher edu tonight, or just talk about repealing Obamacare because that's what TeaParty/Repubs want to hear?
Ah, but of course. Spending more always solves the problem.....right?
So what is the Dems plan to solve the problem?
None of the Repubs will win the election so we need to start getting the answers to these type questions from Hillary. She is the chosen one. Has she got the fix for education costs? When can we ask her the question?
LOL yeah ok. The sky is falling!!!!
Whatever the difference, it does not matter. The climate change movement is a myth created by scientists to milk us for more grant money by putting fear into the feeble minded. It's all good though.........
You boast of your critical your case that is the opposite of critical doing......
LOL at Global Warming Sheeple
BBC Gives Facts about Global Warming
At least the ringworm is not a radical islamic lying POS that wipes his bottom with the constitution and also gives our enemies nukes. Our king is so uninformed that he thinks terrorism is workplace violence or caused by job loss. But hey, why should any of that matter? Right?
We are very close to living this out.
LOL. Owning is better than renting.
Great. So now we can thank our king for all actions that follow. My guess is we will still find ways to blame Bush for everything instead of fixing the problem.
I don't hate because that is a wasted emotion and causes misery. I just feel sorry for those that want the govt to take care of them and need politicians, scammers and the press to tell them what offends them. I guess it a feeling of pity vs. hate.
Enjoy your evening.
I am sure we can trust the Iranians completely and totally. They love the USA and our western ways. I have no doubt this will work out great for the USA and its remaining allies.
I'm just so glad the absence of this flag will obliterate racism and we will never have to worry about that again. Then we can spend more time attacking and wiping out the following:
All religions (except Islam/Muslim)
Heterosexual people
Employed people
Tax payers
Charitable people/Charities (except the Clinton Foundation)
Business owners
Naturally born American citizens/Legal immigrants
Legal gun owners/Hunters
Retired people/Elderly
Veterans/Active military
Everything that is bad about America and could hurt somebody's feelings.
It is time we crushed everything that has existed in this country prior to our King's coronation!
Finally, racism will be eradicated completely now that the confederate flag will be removed from our lives. I just wish we had known it would be this easy before now. I mean just think about it, 4 weeks ago the flag was not even in the top 10 issues for our racial divide but now we know that it was the problem all along. Thank goodness the media and others brought this to our attention!!!!
I hear you on those things but a little gold will make it easy to get those things from those that think the gold will have value later..........
Very true and incredibly sad for our country.
You misspelled "douche' bag".............
You are preaching it today my man!!!!!
I can't fault you there ;) Keep a sharp eye out and may your aim be true!!!!
An AR15 will give you more range and will really piss off the oppressors at the same time.
Happy 4th of July!!!!! Celebrate our remaining freedoms and be safe while you do it.
Happy 4th of July!!!! Be safe, have fun and take a moment to appreciate the freedoms we have!
Happy 4th of July guys!!! I hope it is not the last one we celebrate as a free country........