Psychology says, it becomes difficult to accept the truth when the lies told to you were exactly what you wanted to hear.
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Great stuff in there sumisu!!! I hope you are well.
Agree but both issues can be addressed simultaneously and should be. Any hopes to collect on the SS we paid in for years is now out the window. Our SS and Welfare systems are about to be raped and pillaged at a level from which we will not be able to recover.
Peace to You
How much has it cost us to allow them into the country in the first place? How much will it cost us going forward if they remain?
Are all videos factual?
Ever thought about that?
Don't you have a carbon footprint to expand?
Have you found those pm's that prove I am from Kansas or Iowa or Missouri? I need to know where I live so I can get my gubment check sent to me cuz they are not getting to my mailbox now.
Dems like being Grubered. It takes no effort which they really like.
I rent to peeps and it is awesome. Owning and collecting rent is better than paying rent. I've done both but prefer owning.
Enjoy your weekend.
Blah Blah Blah, the climate is changing!!!!!! Run for the hills and let the govt take care of us!!!!!
LOL. No biggie here I just find it amusing that you have nothing to add to any conversation except insults and curse words. But I guess living off of the govt teet does not show you how to interact in a rational and adult manner. I see it a lot among the career welfare recipients I encounter.
Show me the PMs u saved. Lol. How sad u saved PMs
And right on cue you are cursed upon. I applaud your actions. I have several favorite charities and work with young people as a mentor. I don't hold a candle to you. Enjoy the weekend.
Owning is awesome.
U have me confused with others. I'm not from Iowa and never got a govt subsidy or loan. Maybe u can search my posts to show me that I am in Iowa and got a bammy loan? And if I am on ignore why are you reading my posts?
Enjoy your night.
Owning is better than renting
But you are not lazy. Lol
Spot on!
Better watch out. Too many facts and rational thought will get you labeled and booted.
Nice language. Cursing always has a way of opening people's minds and swaying them to believe the BS. Lol.
You talk about Ocare like it is a good thing for our country.
Obammy never tried to engage in a conversation and Reid's crew never held a vote on squat. Both sides have to be at the table. AND again, I will say that a true leader will find a way to get things done. Losers will find a way to lay blame. I hear blame all day and we have seen no leadership.
In most negotiations you offer something up in return for your wants. You give a little to get a little. That is how it works.......unless you are negotiating with Iran. When that happens you just bend over and take it in the...........
Libs always want to claim that Reps stonewalled the Great One Obammy. He was stonewalled because he lacks the ability to lead and compromise.
Leading does not mean forcing your will upon the masses. It means finding common ground that benefits the majority and included BOTH SIDES of the equation.
Winners find a way to get things done regardless of the obstacles. Losers? well they whine and spew excuses...... just like Obammy and his minions have done for the past 7 years.
Well stated.
I love mixing in with those that expect my tax dollars to pay their way. Lets me see how truly wasteful our govt is.
Enjoy your weekend!!!!
because peeps here only believe MSNBC, CNN and Huffington Post
It will be the hottest based upon which numbers? The ones reported by the scientists that depend on continuing the scam for the money?
so we agree. Good info.
You can be born anywhere in the world and still become an American Citizen. The vast majority recognize the need to allow immigrants into our country and a means to become a LEGAL member of our society. The issue is NOT immigrants the issue is BREAKING THE LAW. But hey, who needs laws right?
OK. I know that non-liberal articles are viewed as fiction here. That further proves the shallowness of the liberal mind.
You like to call yourself a "Critical Thinker" so here is an article from the American Thinker about your beloved and oh so wonderful Hillary Clinton.........LOL at her and her belief that she is better than all of us.
Hillary Support Falling Rapidly
Owning is better than renting.
Nor is it about you my dear. Useful idiots make it easy for them to get their way and steal our tax dollars. Don't fall for the lies. Look at the reality of our climate, not some chart created by a scientist that gets paid to create issues THAT DON'T EXIST.
Enjoy your weekend!
Most pleasant summer we've had in years. Don't know about your location but a rather cool summer for my area.
Enjoy your Friday!
Don't believe everything that these scientists report. If they don't embellish the data it means that their gravy train of govt grant money dries up. They have to keep yelling "the sky is falling" to get the $$$$$. The sooner the useful idiots realize this, the sooner we can deal with the real problems of our country.
Apparently.... funny how hard it is becoming for the useful idiots to defend these "unbiased" scientists that keep trying to sell this BS so they can keep their grant money.
No worries Bert. I will do some digging around and see what I can find. Have a great week!
Any model or brand in particular that one should try to buy. I would be interested in a handheld unit or two.