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I am still a holder of a TON of shares, so the last thing I want is to see this suspended or go to no bid. However, its pretty apparent that Calvin and Giovanni don't give a hoot what happens to this company; they are in it for the proceeds of selling shares.
Remember all, the 2010 annual report is due out this Thursday, 3/31/2011. If this date comes and goes with no sign of the report, we can kiss this stock goodbye for good. IMO.
Just an assumption here, but I would assume that 99% of the investors post or have posted at some point on this message board.
I have personally spoken with more than one individual who was thoroughly questioned by the SEC in regards to HFB. FACT, for what its worth.
We need someone to push our pies and cupcakes out the door too LOL
What are you and HFB doing about these owed back taxes?
Go HFBG! Can these a-holes get put in jail already?? How long can they run this stock scamming scheme and get away with it?
Do we even know what the strength of their preferred shares is?
It's actually not near Sahara... it's on Jones just south of Charleston... they don't even have a business license to conduct business at this location; they can't even do that right!
Someone should call in and ask LJ about HFB :)
That was what, 6 months ago?? It was supposed to already be in production but this company spouts lie after lie to sell shares. Mark my words, this will NEVER be in production.
Everyone must not forget, Calvin is still and will always be the only person manipulating HFB's every move.
Where can we listen in on this interview? Any online feeds?
Try a REAL website:
This, my friend, constitutes insider trading. I hope for his sake that he files the necessary documents with the SEC and doesn't just take Calvin and his minion's word for it.
So this is going to cost shareholders the equivalent of 950,000 shares per month for Brad to be on iHub pumping away! Lovely...
When does our Q drop? What are the general timing guidelines?
Scratch that; reading through the 8k now and see that they expect to emerge by May 26th, 2011.
What product? We haven't produced a substantial amount of anything besides shares.
Please don't tell me we are gonna start slangin red velvet cupcakes... lol
That is simply unbelievable (in a GREAT way) that Mr. Laws responds so quickly to shareholder's inquiries and concerns. I feel extremely confident with my investment position with conduct like this from a company exec.
I've only been able to find "4 business days" on the SEC website. I sent an email to the SEC to verify, but I would assume at this point it is 4 business days. Expect it no later than Friday AH.
What do you guys think the new ticker is going to be after RM?
Is Brad going to take over Thomas' monthly newsletter?? hahahaha what a joke...
So at what point does it constitute insider trading for this new Brad fellow to be working with the company but at the same time accumulating, holding, and trading its stock??
I'm sure SEC is flossing its teeth with today's "PR". I hope Brad enjoys extensive SEC questioning sessions!
Same here. What a mistake... I've learned some good (READ: EXPENSIVE) lessons here, however. Not all lost to a bunch of criminals with a former NBA player as a friend :)
KruseCom Purchases Surplus Desktop Computers From A Logistics Carrier
PALM BEACH, FL-March 22, 2011-KruseCom, LLC, the company that Buys, Sells, and Maintains Enterprise IT, today agreed to purchase surplus desktop computers from a Logistics Carrier. While value is important, security is paramount.
Court Alton, Business Development Manager of KruseCom, explained, “Data Security, rather than asset recovery, was the driving force behind this transaction. The market for used desktop computers is very soft right now from an historical perspective, and we are not paying this customer very much for this lot of equipment. However, as long as we can keep each transaction cash-flow neutral or positive, it makes the customer's decision pretty easy. Proper data security involves real costs related to equipment, time, labor, and insurance. We are sending the customer a very small check for the value of the equipment (after shipping and fees), but the customer is happy. To quote the customer directly, he said, 'Since you can give certificates that machines are wiped let's do it!!' KruseCom will earn our revenue on the services part of the job, the customer will get a little money in return, but most importantly, they will get secure data destruction with documented certification and indemnification from liability. That is worth far more than the revenue we will return to them."
About KruseCom
KruseCom Buys, Sells, and Maintains Enterprise I.T. KruseCom’s portfolio of products and services is designed to help corporations and government organizations to better manage their Surplus Information Technology Assets. KruseCom customers benefit by reducing their maintenance expenses, building best practices for data security, and assuring regulatory compliance. Addressing the entire range of IT platforms – from mainframes, midrange servers and PCs, to network infrastructure and enterprise storage hardware, the services offered by KruseCom are designed to reduce total cost of ownership for IT assets and maximize the clients’ return on their IT investments.
For enterprise class hardware in data centers, KruseCom offers hardware maintenance services, refurbished whole systems, parts, features, upgrades, and add-ons. Additionally, for desktop IT assets, servers, and SAN products, KruseCom offers a range of end-of-life services that include: automated asset auditing, Department of Defense (DOD) level data destruction, documentation for regulatory compliance, hardware refurbishment, worldwide remarketing, and proper IT asset recycling.
Given the sensitive nature of the company’s client relationships, it does not provide the names of its clients. Additional information about the company is available at
I smell a MONSTROUS PR coming regarding the exit from BK and the RM into Kruse...
Financials are due by end of month, so I think we'll see an extension filed next week and then some botched Financials soon after. Maybe Brad's holdings will be seen, maybe they won't; my money is on won't.
You have no idea how many 2's have to go before any sign of a 3 is seen... A LOT
We shall see... soon. Very soon.
Something tells me its not IBM :)
TV spots?? You are joking, right? The next to come is the retraction statement about putting that piece of crap commercial on MTV, BET, ESPN, etc. Mark this post: trade is suspended or retraction statement issued before it airs on these stations. IMO
Nope. Had mine in at 0002 GTC for a while now and nothing.
I undoubtedly appreciate the questioning and naysayers; its the only thing that keeps anyone honest. And keeping the board active is a nice plus!
Now THAT is the spirit ;)
In all seriousness, what I wrote about losing both Q's is going to be confirmed on Monday with the confirmation hearing and then with PR's about the reverse merger. Read the ibox for info on the numerous existing connections between QSGI and KruseCom.
Both Q's are coming off: the second Q when we emerge from bankruptcy, and the first Q when we reverse merger, change names, change CUSIP, and ticker.
Not true. IBM forced them out of their mainframe business, hence an upcoming lawsuit against IBM for violating antitrust laws.
Its not always as simple as mismanagement. Not saying it wasn't, because nobody here can possibly know that, but there's more to it than that.
But it makes no sense to give away loads of product if you aren't in stores (and especially if you never intend to be in stores!)
You've got it right :)
If you really believe that, then.... if I say what I really want to say about that, I will be banned from the board...
Please show me one shred of evidence supporting this; a FILING is the only thing that can begin to hold any water with this company. A poorly written paragraph on their 2-bit website does not mean a thing. We all know how many lies they have pushed out through PR's.
I'm not holding my breath, by the way.
You must realize that LJ does not have ANY control over the company; Ross does.
It honestly doesn't matter what the public's perception of LJ is in regards to HFBG. He does not and has not in recent years had any publicly filed interested in HFBG; not as an officer, not as a principal, not as a shareholder, NOTHING. A talking head, maybe...
I sure hope you are right. The SEC needs to move on these crooks sooner than later.
Still no business license issued for their new office in Vegas. Maybe LJ knows the owner and they're just using this space to run some BS office out of; who knows whats really going on, the company won't respond to my inquiries and hasn't answered anyone's concerns. Maybe this explains why there is nothing really permanent about this location, i.e. no real sign, just a poster taped up in the window showing Hall of Fame and GrandMaMa...
I truly feel sorry for any new investors buying into this despite all of the warnings from those of us that have already been scammed (me being one of them). Although the SEC is watching this and questioning certain parties, Calvin knows that they won't do a damn thing because of the relatively small amount of money he has stolen.
All I hope is that karma gets the best of him and he steps out in front of a bus, gets fatally attacked by a mountain lion, or something of the like.