Great development: Trump Administration “Unlikely” to Go After Marijuana States, Says Press Secretary.
With the recent confirmation of prohibitionist Jeff Sessions as the next U.S. Attorney General, there’s a lot of well-founded fear in the marijuana community about what will happen next. However, President Trump’s Press Secretary Sean Spice says it’s “unlikely” the Trump Administration will attack states that have legalized marijuana.
“I think that’s unlikely” Sean Spicer told our D.C.-based reporter Rebecka Brian when asked “can we expect the Trump Administration to enforce federal law in states where marijuana is legal?”
Spicer refused to answer any follow-up questions. This doesn’t give us much to go off of, but the fact that Spicer is willing to say that it’s “unlikely” is a significant indicator that the issue has been discussed among the administration, and that they aren’t planning to enforce federal laws in regards to marijuana (at least at this point).
Still, “unlikely” doesn’t mean “it isn’t going to happen”, so there’s still plenty of reason to be cautious going forward. However, there are also reasons to be optimistic, and to assume that state-level marijuana laws will be respected under Trump’s presidency.