Everyone should read this Especially those that are just now looking at WNBD
1. Whoever wants to bash and sell, pump and dump, whatever, do it now so I can buy more cheap.
2. This is a "pinky" (as some would say) but in my DD this was the only sub-penny, previously triple zero, stock I could find that has a product on the shelves of big box stores, and ACTUALLY selling the products the company is going to be built on. (It may be in Canada but don't think that undervalues it)
3. I hope this does hit huge in Canada, with the USA Falling dollar all this would do skyrocket the price here in the USA
4. And last but not least I think everyone is forgetting WNBD slated 2009 as growth year NOT 2008. To see a company make a 5000% gain in a month in the sales/market saturation, phase is amazing.
These are the facts, period. I'm not a CEO and I'm not a salesman I just look at the Facts.
This stock WILL make multi-millionaires, Guaranteed