Once every seven years I get a little "randy."
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Register for free to join our community of investors and share your ideas. You will also get access to streaming quotes, interactive charts, trades, portfolio, live options flow and more tools.
DDQA....from data I have archived from my vast array of sensors, I have come to appreciate one thing about pinkies. Logic seldom applies to price movement. In May I watched a known scam go from .0005 to .0900 in the span of about 3 weeks. The 'company' was in name only. No employees, no goods or service, just lousy ( I mean really lousy) hype.
Battle lines were drawn between the believers and the wise. In the short term, the believers one the game. At this point in time the wise have been running the board, but now it appears as though the mill is simply going to cycle right back around again. Still, no change in the infrastructure of the stock itself. Just hype. Believers are on their way to another payday with really nothing to support it at all.
This appears to be ONE way to win the game down here in pinky land. Buy and wait, make sure you know exactly what you're jump off point is and don't stray from it.
For reasons passing any understanding, I am still long on Tivus, but it is a very unpleasant experience. Even a complete LACK of logic will not help me predict anything when it come to Tivus any more.
If I ran a hotel and I stumbled on the Tivus webpage I would, a first blush, be very impressed, then I would look at the stock price and I would get that icky, non-vulcan "feeling " that something merits a deeper look. I might do a spot check on any news I could find out about the company from non-Tivus sources, say, like IHUB, for example. Then my red flags would be dropping onto the filed of play all over the darned place.
I would read, basically spot-check posts from the last 6 months from investors and at that point, I might RUN from Tivus as fast as my little cyber-legs would carry me..regardless of what was being offered
BECAUSE I could easily see that if I had a problem, a serious problem with my Tivus product, I would likely be treated exactly the same way Tivus treats its financial supporters, i.e., with silence. Imagine the phenominal ego one would have to have to know that hundreds of your investors are JUSTIFIABLY upset by being treated like non-entities and month after month you do essentially nothing of substance to change their perspective .
Of what business use is a posture such as that?
It's one thing to have a thick skin. That's a good thing to have in a competitive world. It is not as good to use it to protect a thick skull carrying an attitude of blatant disregard for those who support you..with the one thing you need the most...cash. I know that's a harsh way to put it, but I am now of the opinion that SPs ego is so large he does not see others the same way he sees himself. We are expendable. Every seller of an unwanted share has a buyer. That MUST be how he sees it. There is no reward in Tivusburg for support in the face of any adversity.
My communicator is getting low on battery power. Cheap Ferengi knockoffs of Borg triple A-s. I should've known. I even bought Borg common stock until they assimilated my broker. Never again.
Spock out.
KS..Thank you for your response. I appreciate it. You may be completely 100% right on. My sense is that there is something deeper here going on. Have there not been ties in that past 1/2 year when SP could have made some small, but significant, moves that would have helped the value of the stock, thereby diminishing the damage done when diluting?
My vulcan brain inquires. makes my socks go up and down on my lower calves. Makes me nuts.spock out
I am not clear on why otcmarkets.com does not have the annual report. Seems like that would be enough to get rid of a stop sign.
I just can't get a good handle on why SP seems to want the PPS to be as low as possible all the time. If he really wanted to do a money grab, he has bypassed some good opportunities to get the PPS up well above where it is now, yet he seems to avoid making that happen AT ALL COSTS.
Is it...dare I say......
ILLOGICAL?< trying to keep eyebrow in place, but failing.>
Spock, out
Philly is not dead. End of story there.
spock, removing lint from navels.
Can you please clarify how you are identifying "installations"? Are you saying that of the 1408 systems installed by Tivus into the Philly Marriott that 12-15 of them require tweaking by a tech? This would be about 1% of the total possible "installations IF one hotel room = one installation.
Also, when did you make your visit? With whom did you speak? (PLease don't say, Bob, the engineer.)
There is much about your post that raises an eyebrow and my eyebrow is infamous.
Spock, out.
...and further, no one here was looking for much in the way of ad-insertion revenue until this calendar year anyhow so this is why the Q1 is important, particularly. I believe I can probably find, without too much trouble, some interview where SP states that the revenus was expected to be rather robust [my word, not SP;s] by March 2012.
SO I would like to see that same stop sign go away now and a Q1 would be most-welcomed, good or bad.
If I can get a fix on the location of the Q1 and Q2 reports, I will apply our formidable tractor beam to them and bring them right here where we can have an all-you-can-eat data buffet.
Science Officer Spock, reporting for duty.
Post 47515 It bothers me that this post shows up on this board within hours of the annual being released and by a person who has not posted here before. I am not saying he is wrong or that he is misrepresenting anything, but it just looks like a cheap political manoeuvre we see all the time in DC. It bothers Vulcans like me.
Spock...just sayin'.
I second (is it 2nd?) the motion.
Friday the 13th, Templars beware!
Anyone noticed that over the past 2 days the Tivus site goes down for a few minutes at a pop as if they are testing something?
Inquiring Vulcans want to know.
Spock..standing by.
Well, tell us or I may have to "spock" you.
Spock..standing by with twitching hand.
What else is in Chicago?
Hyatt Hotel Corporate Offices?
That rings some sort of bell for some reason.
SPock, listening to bell ringing.
As a youngun on Vulcan I had thought of being a cheerleader, but in a society that does not emote, I decided it might look odd and later in life it may reflect negatively on career pursuits .
I am in for the long haul. I think, based on subtle clues, that something grand is afoot and all I need to do is let this investment percolate whilst I pursue additional interests.
I notice that everyone who speaks with SP directly comes away from the experience with a positive outlook. So either he is a worldclass con-artist ( I do not think this is so) or he is very smart and, though treading in waters in which he is unfamiliar, he is bringing more experiences people on board.
Right now, I am betting on the "very smart" card.
Spock ..... to the slots.
Dear ESO... I am sorry, but I just cannot buy that. While it may be true that on the face of it, it comes off like SP poking fun at the IHUB crowd since it has been so crass towards him, I have to dig a bit deeper for some understanding.
My first reaction to seeing the tweet, after hearing essentially nothing official for months was that this was some sort of signal to somebody... like the way the POWs in WWII would communicate back and forth with London via coded newspaper messages. As to what it could signal, anyone's guess....and it is a real stretch for me to ultimately accept that THAT is what this is.
Then I thought maybe he just wanted to see if his twitter account still functioned after not using it for so long. Nah, that's not it , either.
I just don't know. I sure would like to know if the shareholder was one of our beloved IHUB crew, but far more importantly, who picked up the tab? Either way, it is probably us, right?
A little more Vulcan humor there. LOL
This is the new tweet?
Great breakfast meeting with shareholder at Grand Hyatt, NY.
I am so confused.
This truly is the neutral zone. Or the twilight zone.
Not sure which, honestly.
Spock out.
Gotta tell ya.. If you're looking to make something on the flip, it might be awhile. I am in long so I don't care much. Everything is overdue in a very significant way.. but if there has been a modification to the overall strategy there may be no telling when it will move.
SOmeone may have stepped in here and said to SP.."are you sure you are seeing the big picture here?" ANd the big picture may be quite a bit larger than SP originally imagined.
I could envision a scenario where many more people want the service than what Tivus can supply in a reasonable amount of time. That could be very dangerous to a new company, therefore, a strategy should be in place that provides a clearcut way for Tivus to handle such a demand smoothly.
Fascinating. Tivus needs to become "the Borg".
Spock to holodeck.
Oh..... what a POST!!!!!!!(Tivus + Verizon)
This post of your, ASM, has been rumbling around in my mind all damn day. Tivus "evolved" into something more, hence the pause.
Ad-Insertion technology. Then, the proverbial "WHAT-IF" popped into my head. Most cellphones have G3 or G4 connectivity. Would there be any reason why a company like Verizon would not want to rake in revenue from all the internet they provide to millions of customers who would now get local companies banners and flash-ads onto the phones of their subscribers?
Is there ANY ISP who would not want "in" on this? SP focused on hotels. This is where he originally saw the potential adaptation of his concept. Perhaps someone came in and said to SP that he is working very hard on just one aspect of the potential. If he were to look at sharing revenue with anyone who provided the internet to a customer, well, this WOULD take everything to a completely higher level. The ballgame would change completely and if ANYTHING like this was behind the silence we have all endured here lately, then I understand .
All those GPS units, all those handheld units, all those "things" out there with the internet on them.
Ad-Insertion into the Cloud. WOW!!!!
The mind boggles.
Spock...with a Happy headache.
ScienceOfficer--- thank you for posting what you did a week or so ago about having spoeken directly with SP and feeling like you were satisfied that for the moment things seemed to be progressing in a direction you could live with... or something to this effect.
Maybe if I hooked SP up with one of our communicators, he'd be more inclined to share with us. Just a thawt.
Well, I thought if I had placed myself in a state of cryonic stasis I would bypass some of the despicable pian associated with waiting for information from Tivus. Seems I re-activated the metabolic higher functions a bit prematurely. Perhaps I should climb back into the sensory deprivation chamber for another length of time.
I think our ship is still on the same tank of gas were were using when I went under. Worse, Nothing, nothing at all has changed at Tivus, either. Perhaps they have a chamber of their own which they use often?
This is vulcan for , "Foo!"
It means foo.
I feel very foo.
SPock out.
Tivus still 'OPEN'.
Well, when things get beyond a reasonable point, it becomes reasonable to do certain things. I have sent, as many of us have, an email to Tivus, but as usual, no reply is made. So, I thought it is not beyond reasonable to call the phone number from the website to reassure myself it is still functioning.
The receptionist answered,"Tivus."
I asked her if Tivus was still open. She sounded very surprised and answered, "Yes."
I the asked if it was closing.
She said she had not heard anything to that effect and offered to forward me to voicemail, which I declined.
I had no ulterior motive for doing this. I simply wished to reassure myself that a company called Tivus functions at least on this one tiny level. It does.
The silence of the CEO is, at least to me, completely inexplicable. What is it that he thinks he is doing to benefit his company by behaving in this manner? The damage accruing on a daily basis will take far more time and energy to rectify than he indicated he has time for.
On this board, I used to defend SP's silence as a possible business strategy and though that may still be part of the rationale, I no longer think it is so.
I plan to spend some serious time with those who, like me, feel that despite all the negative, Tivus can still become viable again. I realize there is a good chance we have arrived at the moment of the Hail Mary pass. I pray that those in whom SP confides can convince him to do anything to get him past what appears to be a robust denial of the true state of things.
Is there a matter of pride or of honor I am missing or overlooking? Is there, possibly, some cultural convention I am not aware of which accounts for shutting out even the people who support you despite logic telling them to do otherwise? Is Ashton Kutcher going to suddenly jump from behind the Tivus banner yelling, "Punked!"
I wonder.
I really, really wonder. What other losses will I be expected to endure this week?
just a vulcan..........s. o.
R3 and interest others:
Email me at alothotter@yahoo.co.uk
One post today only.
I have little time today and even less motivation. My email address in the real world (one of several): alothotter@yahoo.co.uk
I really don't worry that anyone here will abuse my email address and i can just block an email that becomes troublesome anyway.
I want to maintain a positive dialog about Tivus and i want to be part of any possible solution to help it fulfill its mission Plain and simple.Griping, pissing, moaning maybe helps a few stroke their own egos, but it does nothing useful.
I hope SP read my post. I hope he is introspective enough to learn whatever he needs to learn. I remain long, like real loooooooooonng on Tivus.
Dear Mr.Prakash
I believe you read this message board sometimes so here it is. There are investors here who are willing to make efforts to advance Tivus, to help it move forward. There are some good ideas already if you ready today's posts alone. You have gotten very far with very little and you are to be commended. Accept our help, tell us how we can be of use. Do not delay. Communicate. Move forward hand in hand with those who believe as you do. We are here. Right NOW.
To the rest: Don't worry too much about the patent. As long as yhr initial concept was filed, Tivus has some protection. I completed a patent for less than 1200 dollars while working as a college student. It does not have to take up 50 grand and ten years.
Let the bashers go who sold off. They'll be fine. They made choices that worked best for them. May they do well.
To all who have my family and I in their thoughts and prayers, it is very much appreciated...more than I can articulate. It underscores my position there is much good in the world, it just may not be shouting up and down saying, "look at me!" THV will return to usual form before long. Time will need to heal a very deep, bitter wound.
Go, Tivus, GO! Baby, Go, go, go,GO,GO,!!!!
How much cash is preventing Tivus from moving forward? Does anyone know for sure? What can we reasonably assume is not in motion that should be in motion because of a lack of funding?
Is the present situation a matter of : An infusion of "X" dollars now removes the following immediate obstacles and with said obstacles removed, what sort of position does Tivus then enjoy?
Are financials, the new ones, waiting for enough revenue to pay the accountant and the attorney? Does this then allow financials to be posted. Would those new data spur on more interest in Tivus, i.e. more investing from new people?
Or is there more? My understanding about the TA a few months back was simply a matter of him being paid as i recall. (Of course, there may have been extenuating circumstances, but notwithstanding).
Is there an installation somewhere that is at a standstill becuase money has not move as it was supposed to (contractual default) or equipment supplier problems?
Are advertisers being problematic with late payments?
It would be very helpful to have some idea what is thwarting progress and how much the correctin/fix would cost.
Every post here, positive or negative has some nugget of something useful in it. Am I Naive? You bet you *ss I am. I'll be the first to admit it. Keep investing? You bet your other *ss I will.
We need to deal the hand we are given and work within the constraints we have. We have no legal authority to do too much of anything. Our CEO does not communicate with us en masse. It does not happen. I do not know if it will change, but it need not be the death of the company. (SP-- this is not me saying I am in any way alright with you not communicating. It is positively infuriating.It is as bad of a business policy as it is wrong to have this default declaration on nearly every release that communicating with your shareholders is your most important function and you are eager to do so. The silence comes across as being passive aggressive.at the very least.)
No matter what, the positive must outweigh the negative. Obviously there are people here who either choose not to be or cannot learnt to be positive. It is just the way they are and that is good enough for them. So be it. I used to be somewhat negative. For me, this default posture proved to be less than useless, it was detrimental.
Has the Small Business Administration been approached for council and resources? If not, why not? Can we start hitting hotel websites and learning about to whom we should tell about Tivus at that establishment. Does anyone even know it is an option? Does Marriott, in fact, provide SP with a place from which to operate, at least when in the region?
If a salesman comes to one of our areas where we live to make a sales call, can we offer to put the person up at our home to save the company a few bucks? Can we maybe help get a person to a meeting ? Can someone create a simple design for an app for Tivus users as they stay at Tivus enabled hotels ?
Can we make it more entertaining for all Tivus users to be involved with the product at their various levels of interface?)(Travelers, managers, technicians,etc.)How about getting Tivus systems on cruiselines... Anyone have any connections?
Kaiser and other naysayers, I'll tell you now, there is more to be gotten from thinking positive than not. I think somewhere inside, you understand this to be true.
Come on, come on, come on. If you think you're going to bash at me to any degree, go get yourself a up of coffee instead, OK? I really don't need it.
R3, jpr..THIS is what I'm talking about.
Start thinking. Get brains trained on this with a laser focus. SP has already proven that either with his system alone or with existing technology/Tivus hybrid (much less desirable) he can crank out cash for Tivus and the smart hotel.
Among other things, I write commercial jingles and know lots of other peoplein this area. We can make a fuly professional soundbite for Tivus at zero cost to Tivus.
Kaiser...OK Great. We're dead. All is lost. Good luck on your next venture. But before you get ther ask yourself why you bothered to even post what you just did. What could your point possibly have been? What did you really expect to accomplish? How was it helpful to anyone? Was it even helpful to you? If yes, on what level?
As I say. Good luck to you. You are too smart for us here. You will do just fine. See you.
I am sorry, I hope what I was suggesting was a "private place" , an online resource we who can, could meet to communicate with one another. My thinking is that if we got creative, we could push this rather quickly into a position where is it unstoppable.
For example. I understand that dilution is a traditional way to raise capital. I do not know what gets in the way of more traditional financing since I am not used to doing business at this level.. but if someone wants it and someone else has it we gotta get as many of these folks looking at Tivus as possible.
SOunds like advertising. (Mighty expensive.)
I am getting ahead of myself here.
Youget the idea.
I find this whole scenario incredible.
If I basically understand things correctly, we own a company with a successful product. It works. The flagship Marriott wants to know how Tivus can get hooked up to 70 of their hotels but nearly killed the whole thing making Tivus do the impossible-patchwork their obsolete system into Tivus' superior one ---and he succeeded!!!??!? (Could it be that Marriott is making money using the Tivis system? What do YOU think?)Many other hotels want it. Duh, no kidding? Turning a traditional hotel expense into a money stream? Again, Duh.
And, by the way, we have a CEO who is SO driven he has done the one thing success demands: Give everything.
So here we are, sitting on a goldmine, a real goldmine. No kidding, the next Apple. Of course, the next Apple, why damn not. This is huge. Our little company is struggling. Needs some help.
What do the smart people here think now? Do we let the chips fall as they may? If it fails, we fail, all is lost and onto the next good-looking thing?
I say it is time we, yes, the shareholders, put our collective heads together to see what WE can come up with to help this bird fly as we all know it should. Wow, actually help someone. What an incredible story that would be to see splashed all over the front page of Barron's and Businessweek, eh? Shareholders help pave way for stock's success!
How cool to have us actually do things we can think of to do that are helpful to the investment. God knows we've put enough energy into pissing and moaning.
No, I don't have specific ideas yet and some with say, screw this I am too busy. I say, "Fine", whatever. Maybe if there was someplace, some other forum perhaps, we who are compelled could discuss things amongst ourselves without smearing negativity all over the one place new investors come to learn.
I do not know what is practical, if anything. But I think it is at least worth the discussion. I do not want to see SP sell his patent and the have all of this end up in nowheresville.
No jokes right now, because I am dead serious and because I have had a profoundly horrible tragedy happen within my immediate family over the past few days. I am sorry.
R3---thanks a million. Really. You went out there and got information. Thank you.
SP... carry on, man, carry on. You are going to succeed. Too many people want it to happen and know that it should. The concept and its execution are excellent.
This is GREAT!!!!!!!
Spock out.
We get nothing.
I guess I ain't comin' round here so much anymore. Some of you will probably find that a relief, but voicing our issues and concerns simply falls on deaf eyes.
I gotta go play in someone else's yard for awhile.
SPock ...to infinity and beyond.
BTW... few people like it when I express my sediments either. Just sayin'.
Maintain Radio Silence.
We can't even speculate about anything. If this is part of some strategy which incorporates elements of critical timing, I am beyond bumfuzzled.
It's one thing to make a transition away from fluffy little PR-lite morsels to chew upon to OFFICIAL TIVUS WORLDWIDE ANNOUNCEMENTS...but someone has to get me from "Tivus is ready!" to..
...."Xxxx Xx Xxxxxxxxxx x xxx x xx xxxx x xxxx xxx, " xxxx XXX Xxxxx Xxxxxxx.
....which is more than we are getting now.
I do not run a business anymore and I never ran a large one that made public offerings. Still, I just cannot imagine a strategy for advancing one's business that operates as this one does. The silence is more than deafening, it is bordering on cruel.
Whatever this public company is, this is not "going public".
Despite this, I still feel that the company, the people, the entire endeavor is real and evolving in ways that perhaps SP did not envision not so long ago. Maybe a curveball has been thrown..a good one... and it requires changes to be made in the timeline (Hey...LOOK AT ME! I'm speculating, even!)
But, we cannot be told ANYTHING at ALL? NOTHING? Any official ANYTHING will potentially disrupt the strategy?
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
All work and n///////////////////// /EOM////////////////
OK, thanks! Just checking. SPock, building walls around table so death can come quietly and interment is a non-issue.
Good fortune rained upon me on 5/19 or so when I bought into this stock. I am assuming its impressive evaporation of nearly all value is due to the new share structure put out there 2 days later.
Would it be the general feeling in these parts thet we are looking at a protracted, long-term climb back to pre May 21 levels? Or worse, are there rumblings of an R/S?
Thank you, Spock...hiding under table in deep shame.
Good one!!!!!
We never did find the darned tent again. Of course, we are federation-trained at survival in the wild and normally, this should have been quite re-assuring but for one small oversight:The stars were visible not because the planet on which we'd set up camp was turned away from its suns, but because a spacecraft of unbelievable size had put itself in something of a geo-synchronous orbit and was in the process of siphoning off millions of metric megatons of solar material just before the closest star was about to go nova.
At the time, we did not realized we were scr*wed with our panties on. Our orbiting guests could not have possibly cared less. How we survived is another story for another day.Suffice it to say we DID survive and we DID give our guests a piece of our mind before we departed. (They should've been nicer to us.)
Spock out.
BTW....I do believe our little stock should go NOVA nearly any second, no?
I am so confused.
Somebody tell a joke. The numbers in my B/A fields are changing for the third time this morning in ways not reflected in overall volume. It seemed for a bit that someone with some humble amount of cash could walk in and push this right over the edge into new territory pricewise, then everything changed. Now things look more the way they did yesterday at EOD.
I think JWez had said things are playing out the way they are because of a timeline SP is adhering to. So, last week, this timeline made it appropriate to disclose new financials.
(If you had told me last week I'd still be waiting today for the corrected financials I would have told you "NO WAY". Ya, I learned my lesson. What a shame, a real opportunity was missed becuase of those financials, IMHO.
So let's say the new financials are imminently due to be released. -Not that we feel desperate or anything--- This should open the doorway for other news to be disclosed, right? If not, then we have to start thinking more in terms of how cycles move in the Hospitality industry to help us manage this investment. We have no alternatives, unfortunately.
Again, I find myself wondering what it is about the makeup of the present board that would make disclosing the lineup now detrimental to this timeline ( or to members of the board). Very curious.
I need more copper in my diet. I tried to do a mindmeld with the onboard computer and nerve-pinched it instead by mistake. This is easier to do than one might think. So now, we're headed at warp 19 into the neutral zone upside down. I have never seen Kirk so pissed. Sulu is just glaring at me from his console. I think Dr. McCoy is laughing. Now there's some alien probe on our tail we've never seen before. I am going to dump some trash from the galley in its way. That ought to do something. Last night's fish dinners were atrocious.
I'm sorry, already. One little mistake in 37 years. Gosh, cut me a little slack, guys.
Spock out.
My $0.00000000002 worth: No one can make a dime if no one is trading. This whole thing remains a completely well-primed tinderbox and ain't nobody goin' no where until SP and CO. (Inc.) let the rest of us in on the State of the Union.
That's all fancy Vulcan talk from the far northern reaches.
Is it a good or a thing? I don't think it is either, really. It simply indicates how everything has settled out given the lack of usable data.
Kind of like having the warp drive running at 110% but forgetting to put the ship in DRIVE.
SPock out.
At least I know why the Lime-filled ice cube resonates with me as it does.
Both of us have green fluid inside! Kinda makes yer wunder a bit, don't it?
Spock out.
Question for smart people....
Is the famous Lime-filled Tivus ice-cube trademarked?
Just askin'.
Because inquiring Vulcans have a little extra time on their hands this afternoon.
(Tried to trademark my ears but was too much of a hassle, so I trademarked my haircut instead. Apparently, though, it has little market value. I missed the boat on that one.)
Spock out.
Hindsight & Afterthoughts
Well, I don't know how much of this I can credit with the Tivus dreamteam and how much can be credited with general apathy, but last week's debacle has neither gotten any traction in the news, nor has it had any negative bearing on the value of the stock.
It appears everyone is holding tight. No panic selling. Somehow, still don't get it, but there seems to be a good ratio of short selling going on with this stock according to shortvolume.com.
I think if I was a competitor of Tivus, I'd be getting a little bit worried now. The lid on information has been so tightly clamped shut I see no way to google-book my way past anything. Anyone who is in negotiations with Tivus is saying nothing. Anyone who was, but is no longer negotiating with Tivus is saying nothing. No one , save SP, even has an FB page that we know of and SP does not really use any of the 3 he has set up. No subcontractors are leaking a word. No previous/current clients are, either. In fact, I can find no public acknowledgement by any company anywhere who has signed on with Tivus to advertise. The Whitehouse and CIA would be proud to have this level of compliance with secrecy matters. It is impressive. The threat of violating the NDA must be quite formidable.
Ah...the Art of War... the power of stealth.
Regarding my earlier post today, thanks for the nice comments. I appreciate it.
Hey! Wanna hear a joke?
Not me, I'm Vulcan. LOL.
Spock out.
I have been thinking about JWez' notions about how much attention we, on this forum, give to the hour-to-hour doings of SP an his posse. In a word, he thought maybe SP might wonder why we are all so hypervigilant and hypersensitive about Tivus. It's not our project, it's his. And if we don't like what is going on why do we just unload, take our hit and find something we like better?
First, I would be willing to bet a good number of Tivus investors are in a position of loss right now if they sold their holdings. We really despise losing money especially on investments we think could be performing better. That's reason 1.
2--- For some of us, the loss we would take is relatively large and the thought of taking that hit might simply be unbearable.
3-This one applies to me--- though we have had no financial information of use in many months, the clues we have had indicate Tivus is moving forward ...and the value of the endeavor is very likely (in fact, obviously) increasing, though we can't prove it yet. SO, unless we have some urgent need for this particular cash, we will wait it out to see what will eventually have to be shown.
4- Some of us are deeply mystified by the behavior of the CEO. He exudes total confidence in the company and those things we are used to seeing from other CEOs, like transparency to one degree or another, seems not to apply here. Even releasing the names of the board--we are led to believe- is simply too sensitive at this time to disclose. That is simply extraordinary. Can this be true or is SP just overly cautious? So, the CEO has a mystique which captivates us on some level and compels us to continue, like we're reading some great murder mystery.
In the end, should we care so much? Would all of us not be better off doing almost anything else rather than fretting, speculating and complaining and provoking all the time? Perhaps. I guess it all depends on one's motivations for investing to begin with. Ya, it's a given we all want to make money, but beyond that, whatever Tivus is , it has reeled us in and made us care more about ti than perhaps some of our other investments. Maybe we think we can influence how it evolves. Maybe we think a crime is being committed against us. Maybe it will rescue us from some bad investments we've made in the past or put some 401k accounts back on track.
I think one thing is for sure: Nothing untoward is going to sneak by this bunch. There are some sharp people here. Another thing: it is true that if we bash each other or the company, nothing good can possibly come of that. Nothing.
The bottom line.. and I think it's a good one... is that we all care. It manifests differently for each one of us, but without a doubt, we care. And we're not just going to sit back and let the wind blow as it may if we have anything to say about it. I want any potential investor to look into this forum and see that we are emotionally invested in Tivus. We have seen potential and we want to see it realized, it is what we expect to happen here.
I have just sold the movie rights to this post so my lawyer says I must stop writing here.
Spock---enroute to the Screen Actor's Guild for paperwork processing.
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