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Definitely a life changer for most of us, no matter where it gets to! .01, .5, 1.00, 2.00
Looks good. I think we close in the green today, with or without news. I would like news after trading hours, to let the buzz build over the weekend. Either way, I've got a great feeling about this!
Some "dead cat bounce" you got yourself here, Pitman33! Enjoy, and good luck! :)
Looking forward to it! Appreciate your hard work and efforts, for sure! :)
Nice day here, StockScout1! What we've been waiting for, to turn the tide! By the way, you could also fit my alias.
Not that I know of, but the share structure remained unchanged.
And we shall conquer our share of this huge market! No doubt. We're on track!
And I would've been happy just with the Level 5 portfolio and the Coffe Boost family. Heck, I was even happy when we only had Level 5 to look forward to. If all of this turns out to achieve just a small percentage of it's potential, you and I are going to be very happy guys, SS1!
And, we've also got other products pending!
I just skimmed through the intro of the MINE board here on iHub, and was a bit shocked to find this ugly old Level 5 logo, from the old and amateurish Level 5 website. I clearly remember all the hysteria that old site brought, and yet, still it haunts this board. I took a moment and put together a new one, with the new logo. Could one of the moderators look at this, and see to change it?
People need to give our little plant time to grow.
It seems many of the socalled longs' true colours shows in times like these. Why would any serious long term investor yell for news when the timeline of events is clear as day. I can only go by my own gut feeling, what I personally feel is right, and things I know for a fact. I know I've been taking advantage of these silent weeks, and honestly, I wish for even more. I'm very close to my targeted amount, which is 1% of all authorized MINE shares, and I might even exceed that amount if I get the opportunity.
After I got a load of our product shipped to me, I have gained even stronger fate in our future. And today I handed a case of Rise to my family, before I left for where I work, monday till thursday. Excited to hear what they thought about it, when I return. And think of all our other products. The float has doubled since the great peak in PPS, alright. But what did we really know back then? Close to nada. And back then the potential was endless, and in my opinion it still is. The amount of shares available is doubled, so now you just have to divide endless by two. If impatience makes me a larger holder of shares, I'm fine with that. I know of a couple others also taking advantage of this waiting game. No problem.
Go slow MINE!
I can't believe the impatience on this board. Almost like some have invested in something they don't believe in. And the ones impatient, I think will be the very first to flip this when there's a chance. Let them suffer, in my opinion. Either way, the timeline for events is pretty clear, to whoever is capable of reading. Seems many learned to write before learning to read. A huge paradox, when you think about it.
No wonder the marijuhana stocks are trading high. All the the traders are probably also high.
I think they're from early December. Took a while to arrange shipping, payment and such. I think that issue was addressed to the Company a while back, but I'm not 100% sure.
I took a moment putting together a little collection of front/back pictures of both Coffee Boost and Rise. The yellow light from old fashion light bulbs and the reflections degraded the quality, but I'm not home for a few days, away from other equipment, and had nothing better to do. Hope it's helpful to new investors, or people not yet able to see the bottles for themselves. I'm happy I can now vouch for the taste! :)
Thanks! I've been thinking of asking you that question, due to 'norske' being 'Norwegian' in Norwegian tounge! It's a beautiful country, no doubt. It's just a pitty many Norwegians don't realize that. I spend every chance i get in nature, photographing a great lot. This photo isn't great, and I was hoping for way better conditions, but this winther has just been grey and wet. But I've got a whole load of the product now, so I'll be shooting you guys some nicer pictures later. Good luck with your investment, and have a great weekend all! :)
I know i feel good about my investment. I have a feeling some big fish will take full advantage of the impetience amongst investors, soon. I know I'll be buying even more tuesday.
Here's another picture of mine, from the same location, shot during the hideous hurricane 'Dagmar' in 2011. I saw waves of 60 feet hight this day, and I even was inside of a 30 feeter. Makes my heart race, even years afterwards. I love it.
Thank you, and a great weekend back at you! :)
I've tasted it, and I really liked it!! I shot some photos of it too, to state the first products are now over seas! At least the first I've heared of. I did a small photo session at the same location my profile picture's from. It's my favorite place on Earth, and it's where we most frequently register hurricanes in Norway. But today was a rather boring day, besides I had a great product with me!
It helps build confidence, in my opinion. I've told how many shares I've got, but not ever meaning to brag about it. Noone knows who's behind my alias anyways, so that would just be complete dumb. Between people I know and trust, more than 83 million shares are locked for the future. I think it's quite okay if people tell the board how many shares they own, or are buying. Why the hell wouldn't it be? I've seen other stock boards on iHub creating investor lists, with almost every members' amount of shares, to keep track of the float. Some might lie, but the overall impression I got, it was helpful, and it seemed to team up the board members in a great way. But just go on being an ass about it.
I received my fourteen cases of Rise and Coffee Boost today!
I had such a crappy day today, and thought, if I try one and don't like it, I might burn the house to the ground, and start shouting and swearing in the streets. So I put a load of Rise in my refrigerator, and decided to cool both myself and my little ones down. Now I just tried one, and the taste is great!! No need for a lighter here!
You might be a coffee drinker to really like it, but how many coffee drinkers' out there?? It might be even better non cooled, and I'll try that next up. Just waiting to see if there's any effect, energy'wise. I like it!
Now, just give our PPS a rise, and I'll be one happy guy! :)
I'll post some pictures for you guys later this weekend.
Agreed. The whole facebook is full of clowns, actually. That's why I joined it, but also the reason I'm not on facebook no longer. Went there only to get pictures for my photomontages, and I saw exactly what you're talking about. Not good.
Correct! I just wonder why my buy order didn't show, and why it didn't hit the sell orders for 0016. I believe I waited for more than half an hour, and just got partly filled.. And from the L2 screenshot in my post you can see the sell orders at 0016 would cover my purchase.
Called it pretty close last time. See if this flies this time? :))
If so, could be right on time for a flyer, come Thursday..
I like that, when a MM gives a freebie but then I have to ask, why?
Let see, if we have a controlled seller and the agreed price is .0015-.0016 and VNDM is sitting with 10K showing and the rest hidden.
The last trade of the lucky sevens is my purchase. I set the order for 0017, but the email receipt shows I paid 0016, like the L2 also does. I had to clear my account. I hate minor sums.
Great! I believe you share your opinion with lots of people, from what I understand. I really hope my load has arrived when I head back home for the weekend! Excited! :)
Not many hypers but lots of filled diapers after the big dump from 007. Glad I didn't average up which is sometimes just another term for chasing ones own tail. Average up as the price keeps going down.
I know ... you don't give a poop, but continued constipation such as the share price is a sure path to enlightenment. Also, you're going to scare buyers away if you keep posting pictures of that supermodel sponsor.
It was shipped to me yesterday, actually. I'll have it in hand in about a week. I believe it'll be the first samples of Rise and Coffee Boost over seas, and I'm really looking forward to it, knowing many really like it, and I personally love the designs! Excited. :)
Nobody ever knows when or how far any stock will go, but we do see great potential with MINE. Not many big hypers here, in my opinion, but a great lot of believers. Even the bashers are shareholders. Imagine that.
I've been here for nine months. The hype is over with, touching 007s, and in my opinion our next run will be on pure substance, and sustain higher levels, based on this pure substance. Expecting great things.
Good luck to you! Enjoy :)
Thanks, MJ! :)
No, I guess not. This is just a freaky idea I've had for a while, and I had some spare time Saturday, so I decided to try it out, and maybe lift the spirit on the board while we're waiting for the upcoming news, which can take a little while. I'm patient, but only when it comes to stocks and Photoshopping. This one only took me roughly an hour, but some of my previous works took me days. Not MINE related, I'm afraid, but I'd love to contribute.
Thanks, 'float/guys! I'd be glad to! :)
I've had this idea for a while, but as Smallblock mentioned, it was kind of a freaky one. But these things are what i do for relaxing, and I just got the newest Photoshop version. Years ago I spent several hours each day photoshopping, and the interest just hit me hard again lately, thanks to this forum.
We'll be more than fine the day everyone knows what we're sitting on here! We're just a little early to the party, and it's a bit boring to start with. Such a big party expected, the bashers are also early, to get some attention at all :)
Nice entry points on both now, in my opinion. I'll have more of both, Monday. My two main investments, for the long haul. The silence before the storm haunting both :)
Go M&M!
I know I'm one of the fortunate ones, due to my average being lower than the present PPS. But it's not like I haven't tasted the bitterness of being way down the negative road. It's never a pleasant feeling. But why invest money if you don't feel confident with your decision? I just don't daytrade MINE, but I know from other stocks, I've made bad decisions regarding my entrypoint, it doesn't really take much effort to trade them to the positive. I bet some have averaged down on MINE, just by hitting the right spots. It looks easy looking back on the charts, but I find MINE unpredictable, being a rather unexperienced trader, and choose to hold for a long term. I'd rather play other, more predictable stocks, and put my gains in MINE as I go. I know this is food for bashers, when looking back, the chart looks like it's been very predictable, but everyone here knows the truth about that. News has always been of a positive character, but not exactly directly revenue generating, yet. We just don't know when the big news hits us, so I choose to be in, at all time, patient.
I totally agree. Lots of impatience here lately, but I'm thinking, if people don't have the time waiting to find out what the Company will reveal for us soon, what do they have time for, then? I'm really excited too, but I can wait a while, easily. I'm still accumulating. And I totally understand why the Company rather keep the silence, than having a bunch of infantile ivestors go bothering their business partners. I know where I come from, you cannot invest in stocks till your 18 years old, and most do not invest money they need for paying bills or live a normal life. Vanis have got at least three times the amount of shares I have, his daily job is at Minerco, and from what I understand, he hasn't received any cash for his work yet. He must've been very confident, buying those shares. Or is he mad? Don't think he is. I've got a job which pays me enough to make it okey, so if it takes a bit longer than anticipated, it's far from the end of the world. Don't know why anyone in a hurry would invest in a long term potential stock like MINE. Sell your shares to us!
Nice :)
You nailed it.