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I might have to change from EOD at .005 to .003
Good morning everybody
It's possible that Mr. Hartman (77 Y.O.) is going on websites and spreading awful accusations about the health of others.
Just saying...
Actually you are already wagering, as everybody else is too. To make it interesting I'll buy in if it hit's .005 tomorrow, not :)
For a second I thought investing in ELTZ was a no brainer, then I realized how spot on that is.
Obviuosly you did not read my post in it's entirety. It says there was an advantage to the PPS dropping for those who thought they knew what was coming.
If nobody wants this stock, it can't do anything but crash. The kool aid has to run out sometime.
hahaha, they'll be passing it around I'm sure.
Hell, you can't even flip this stock. It's in a world of hurt. Feel sorry for those that got in over a week ago. I could have been one of those having to decide if it's worth hanging in. This literally cut it's value in half in almost 1 week, we still have tomorrow. On the 1st it closed @ .0141. Wow!!!!
If it keeps dropping 20% each day???
copy that!!!
and the TTrade tells me they think this is gonna drop even further. Otherwise they would have held off till it got back up above .01. NO BUENO
At the way this has been dropping each day, I figure if they don't put out anything by next friday, trips are not out of the possibility.
I might buy some now, gotta be some kinda bounce coming. Dead cat maybe.
another strong day if you like losing money.
Damn, that's a lot of sales into the bids. Wondering if the bid sitters know what they are doing.
No bid support falling like a rock. 100,000 shares drops this to .0069
It's true I can't look away from this train wreck.
really? Ask them if they replaced the generator at their ELITE SWD site. The one that is costing them $35000 per month? It's been over a couple of months since they acquired the property. They claimed to have a permit to hook the power to the grid. Everything else on that website is promises of acquiring and letters of intent. Am I missing something??
this will be under .005 by EOD tomorrow
When you got half a mil at .0089 somebody wants out bad.
And the bid looks anemic.
It's the koolaid!!!!
At this rate we will be in trips before the alleged news is produced!!!
That's hilarious that this dropping over 20% each and every day is explained so easily if enough koolaid is drunk. Or it just might be the biggest fans are trying to do a slow exit. Hell if I would have stayed in I would have lost half my value in less then 3 days. DAMN!!!!
So Marc did sell unauthorized shares.
So Terry did put out false PR's
That a house under Marc and his wife worth $220000 was foreclosed on.
All facts
I'd rather be lucky then experienced. Experience will take you so far. But lucky? That will make you a Warren Buffett!!!
Good luck to ya
yeah, but I'm not running a company. And mistakes were made. Yet it would be quite easy to make those mistakes again. Especially after time has past and I might have forgotten the consequences of those actions. Hell, I might still be doing them and not have gotten caught again. Anything is possible.
This is not spotless. I'm not going to say he bought his way out of that being worse then it was.
I would not complain if I'm proven wrong, but will you thank me if I'm right? I did not think so.
By the way the website has both of them side by side. I'm pretty sure what that means.
Not just one, they both got caught although in separate incidents.
The history of both people in charge of the company. I've posted links. I can post again if you like? Or just look at my post the past couple of days.
of course, I respect your opinion.
WOW the koolaid is pretty strong here! Well let's see what tomorrow brings, and the excuses that follow.
It's called dilution bro. if they do a t-trade at the end of the day or sell during the regular trading day.
No T-Trade?? What was that 2,000,000 trade at 10:44 am?? and it was for .008708
also trades today were Shares: 1,886,130 buys compared to 5,781,343 sells
Those are the facts
The hell with this, I'm burning up quality time needed on my real investments. GL to everybody
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