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europe bans short selling.. next u.s. and naked short selling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I sure hope so!
Burk - "there is no need for a RS due to the amount of shares already authorized." confuses me. It's the diffetence between A/S & O/S that is of concern here.
A RS is intended to decrease the A/S which inturn increses the PPS. Generally, the reason for a RS is because there are a lot of shares outstanding and the sale of more shares by the company is limited. Generally, a company will vote for a RS and then to increase A/S in order to increase the number of shares owned by the company. That way they can turn around and sell more shares to increase their cash.
CGFIA has an A/S of 15 Billion and atleast an O/S of 7 Billion and they have considerable debt. With 8 Billion to sell on the open market at trip 5's they can aquire $4,000,000. If they need anymore than $4 Million a RS will be very likely. Additionally, they will set it up before they actually need more cash availability.
No problem. I was asking 567.
What software or program are you using that presents that data?
Thanks Burk.
Banker - "While these issues have caused much grief lately, I think for the marketplace overall it is going to be of great benefit to both the surviving companies, investors and traders."
Agree 100%!
Three questions: 1) Link to the article? 2) What are the criteria for DTC eligibility? 3) Anyone know if CGFIA is DTC eligible?
Chem - There are a lot of us that are disappointed. Many of us are just waiting for the permit approval. That should happen within the next two years. LOL.
The PPS of 66 cents means nothing today and means nothing tomorrow. It is the Market Cap that determines what the market values the company at.
It's OK to dream, though.
Why wouldn't Rice wait 'till imminent mill activation to sell 62 Million shares? Should be worth a bunch more then.
We just need to start milling and generating some income!
MDW has a MC of 318 Million. If CGF had the same MC the PPS would be:
7 Billion OS = $0.045 PPS
9 Billion OS = $0.035 PPS
11 Billion OS = $0.029 PPS
15 Billion OS = $0.021 PPS
This stock will never see 10 cents without a R/S!
MDW also has an EPS of 9 cents. I'll leave the required CGF earnings calculations to you for an equivalent EPS.
Depending on your entry... there is still $$$ to be made here.
Sleep well, 567. Goodnight.
Where you not advising to buy at the ask and slap the ask?
I apologize if you see any post as abuse. I fully expect this to be deleted, but, it really isn't intended to abuse. I really don't understand.
I'm trying to understand the rational for some of the, IMO, irrational posts that seem to me are intended to encourage the purchase of CGFIA stock. I can appreciate someone's enthusiasm however, when it seems to defy reality I have to try to understand what's going on.
Example: 567 insisted that there was no proof of dilution and was adamant that there was none. In light of the company's circumstances, I find that irrational thought.
Example: You seem to believe that buying on the bid brings the PPS down. I find that irrational as well and many of the moderators want us to "slap the ask!"
I'm sure there is good rational for the examples above, I just don't know what it is yet. Any thoughts on your part?
As a moderator, are you compensated in any way?
Then do you really believe what you wrote? That it's the buys at the bid that has caused the PPS decline?
Ficose,You wrote:
"As long as the buy volume is stronger than the dilution during the ground floor phase the pps will stay solid with minor upswings. This is exactly what we were seeing until it became OK for everyone to buy at bid a month or so ago - now is it any surprise the pps is in decline?"
Are you saying that the decline in the PPS is due to buying on the bid? You'll never convince me of that! It's supply vs. demand and the resultant balance thereof that determies the PPS.
My understanding is Nite is a MM that is owned by Scottrade.
DSEA - IMHO someone is selling 420 Million shares to raise some working capital. That's the reason for the PRs.
At 14:30:41 20 Million traded at trip 5's.
Is my trading platform incorrect or have we only traded 8.4 Million shares? That's some real low volume!
IMHO the plan for improving the PPS is getting the mill open for business.
Rebel, I think 567 was referring to a price reversal. CG can announce a share buy back, but, they can only buy back about 18 million shares (about 0.2% of the O/S) with the $11,000 cash they have on hand. :(
LOL. I like your sense of humor, 567.
Ficose, Since you asked..
Just a couple of comments: "If people see patterns on which they base their opinion..." Have you seen these patterns or are you referring to patterns 567 has seen. Hard for me to tell as the noun is people and my question was to 567. Are you and 567 the same person or are you answering my question to 567 for her?
See it's kinda hard to have an intellegent discussion when I can't tell who is answering my question. To add to the difficulty, your response didn't answer the question directed to 567. I wanted to know what makes 567 believe that the MMs were responsible for "closing it flat" as opposed to the forces of supply and demand causing it to close flat. Perhaps I misunderstood her statement. Perhaps she knows something I don't.
The rest of your statement: "... they aren't responsible for your emotional state when you don't understand" You're right. I don't understand. You have gone full circle like an Abbot & Costello routine... Again we have terms like "people" and "they". That's how we started the thread with my question to 567: Who are "they"?
Intelligent discussions are what gives this board value. So far, this thread isn't worth much.
No response is necessary.
Not sure if I failed to make my point or that you didn't get it. I'll make it real simple... I wasn't picking on any individual. I was simply trying to understand the basis of their opinion. If they don't want to explain it, I have no problem considering it BS. I'm used to it, just disapointed by the source.
Ficose, Opinions are one thing and BS is another. Opinions should be presented with a rationale based on fact, suposition and / or conjecture.
There is a fine line between opinion, pump and BS. "PPS will be at $3.00 soon." This statement is pure BS if there isn't some reasonable rationale behind the opinion. How is the number arrived at and what is the person relying on to be able to form that opinion? Without a basis for the opinion, the opinion is BS.
You can't have a good discussion based on statements that aren't backed up or without the basis for the opinion brought forward. In my OPINION, any opinion that doesn't contain the basis for that opinion is baseless and either a pump, a bash or pure BS.
See that, there is my opinion and the rational for it. I've seen a lot of "opinions" on this board that are baseless and repeated, in one form or another, with vigor ad nauseum.
I know a lot about opinions as I give them professionally (not in the financial industry, however).
Just My Opinion!
Do I understand you correctly? You're saying that all of the several MMs trading this stock all got together (by some signal or otherwise) and decided to put the last trade through at trip 7's instead of trip 5's?
Why don't they decide at trip 9's or some other number?
567, Who are "they" that you are refering to in your post? Would you please be more specific in your posts when you use the term "they"?
Thank you very much. It gets me confused sometimes when you use that term.
Their "different kind of stock" primarily ensures their control over the company.
567, Did you understand my post? It was directed to Grizz.
Grizz, Sorry to see your frustration, but good to see you posting.
Be well!
Very good post, Soup. As investors, we need to think with our head and not our heart. We can't afford to fall in love with a stock or company. I am absolutely amazed at some of the posters here that don;t understand why CGFI, or any company for that matter, would increase their A/S. If they increase it, they have plans to use it or believe that they may need to use it.
Fact: CGFI is a going concern. See the last company report.
Fact: Company is cash strapped. Also see the last company report. Ask yourself why it took 4 installments to make the increased bond payment.
Fact: It will require a good deal of capital to finish the site reclamation.
Fact: It will require a good deal of capital to get the mill up & running regardless of the state of the equipment.
How many months of working capital does the company need once the mill initially starts up?
Fact: Dilution is a necessary evil at this point. At trip 8's, the company has to sell 1.25 Billion shares to raise $1 Million in working capital. At 50 Million shares per day, it will take 25 business days (6 weeks) to raise the $1 Million.
Now some say that any discussion on dilution is speculation. Call it what you want but if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck....
I want to see all of us using our heads because collectively, we make the board have a tremendous potentially beneficial impact on our portfolios. Some will learn from other's mistakes and some won't, but, all of us can learn from each other.
What are they going to say? "We need cash and have dumped 1.5 Billion shares into the market." I don't think they have anything to say until they acquire some other gold field or get the mill up & running.
They certainly aren't going to say: "We have completed site remediation."
Another gold field? They haven't gotten the ones they have in production yet they want to use more shares to acquire more non-producing properties.
They don't need to say anything! They need to start milling ore!
Profits -- I don't think it will take but 30 to 60 days to complete the TR-11 site remediation efforts. Problem is that takes us to the end of their summer. I lived in Denver in the mid '80s and snow in September was not unusual.
I don't expect the permit to be re-activated, regardless of the means employed to handle the tailings, untill DRMS is satisfied with site remediation. Unfortunately, I don't see any milling until next season based on the above.
Hopefully I'm wrong, but, I don't think so.
CDC - How's the weather in your part of the woods? LOL, LOL & ROLMAO.
If "share structure" referes to O/S and similar means 5.5 to 7 BILLION, then $0.10 & $0.20 would put the "penny" stock at a conservative Market Cap of 550 Million.
I'd sure like to see one or two of these.
Over - that wasn't the permit approval. That was just approval for the site remediation to proceed.
vnl420 - Do you expect CGFI to anounce that they received approval for site remediation? That would clearly announce that they potentially had environmental problems on the site.
The problems were caused by a prior management, but, few would know that.