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This is going to be a long day of listening to the crybabies whine about how they got duped. Look Red, TG, PF, and the rest of you complainers, what Tom has shown once again is that there is transparency in this stock. It can be disputed as to weahter Seaway was accountable for the 480K debt, but I think Tom chose to take the debt,deal with it and have it cleaned up before we get rolling as Seaway Valley Capitol. In the grand scheme of things folks who are playing this as a future big hitter know that less the a 1/2 mill of additional debt will not cripple this stock. You flippers and wana be rich clods will find your game plan a little tilted perhaps by this move, but who cares not many on this board thats for sure. Red you want us to see you ar 4 pm, well how about you leave and come back and see me and the rest of us on Sept. 30th, and then lets see who has the most money. But I'm sure that when we start to move up the ladder you and the rest of the doom and glum boys will be the first with your WEEEEEE YAHOOOOO were moving now posts. JMO though.
Cargo I think you have hit the nail on the head with the fake wall. MM ARCA has it there because they are not quite ready for this to go to .0070 and beyone just yet. Not until first of next week do we move to 007's. So Viva you can start jumping up and down about being right on how we would not close above .006, except you had absolutly no tech. reason for it, just the ranting of a I wanna be rich kid who know nothing about what moves stocks and what doesnt. JMO, and yea yea you got 9 billion shares and can say what you want...bla bla bla I do what I want.
You got it Easy...I would love to have a web cam and look at the faces of all the I NEED MY MONEY RIGHT NOW PEOPLE..Bet they are scrambling now to have fewer shares then they had..Also some of them may have followed Lowtrade in his advice, if so guess who bought all those .005 shares you all sold...I will give you a hint his name is the oppisite of high and keep your stuff....its Lowtrade he bought all your .005 shares he conned you into buying..nice job sellers nice job.
TG I dont want to be rude but you are like a guy who looks out his window and sees smoke then says...My sources tell me that there will soon be a Fire. You put stuff out after the fact, the bid had moved to .0055 and the ask to .0058 then we get your words of need to be quicker like G Fish, lets see G Fish is James Bond and are Maxwell Smart.Ha Ha just having some fun with you kid.
Oh by the way we are moving up Bid is now .0054 ask is .0055 just to stay on point
Son the term Real Army had nothing to do with how a person was treated or how they were thought of. Unless you have been there you dont and most likly wont get it. When I sat behind a 50 caliber looking out the door of the slick I was in, I did not take inventory of who was in what group. We used it, that term, as a conversation this.."Look pal dont you complain you joined this mans army, they came and got me kicking and screaming...that would be the draft board came and got see it ID us as someone who joined or someone who got drafted no more no less. Hope that clears it up for you a bit. When they got rid of the draf that saying became obsolete.
You the man Major, and keep your head down so we can keep this conversation going well after you get back home. I do salute you, both as a Army officer and a person...thank you for your service...dont get me wrong I do like bugging you its what us Real Army* NCO's do for fun you know.
*Real Army..term used during the Viet Nam war for drafted personnel. Not enlisted or National Gaurdmens called up for duty.
Hey Major your cluster is a bit to tight, the women and baseball part was a joke. The part about the informed research that some of you post and the charts that we get,that is what should be posted here, not the I love to see my money go down the drain shit. Also you sir need to start talking to people like they are people and not like you are some high and mighty US Army officer and the rest of us are just ignorant enlisted sir are beginning to piss me off and you need to be carefull about doing that. LOL
How about women, I like women and I like talking about this stock, but not the constant how come we dont move, we should be up, I want my mommy, I like it when I read whey you or cdkid or any lowtrade give out good researched information, intelligent conversation, not all the whinning that goes on. Also I like to talk base ball, you all think Bonds is ligit or should there be an astrisk. Thats what I like to talk about Major.
Good Morning All:
I am not sure how many of you have been investing in penny stock or sub penny and for how long. I can tell you that a lot of you by your whinning post have not done it successfully for very long. Here are the reasons why we are not moving in my opinion, and its based on years or penny stock trading at a profit.
1. There are hundreds of penny traders that dont know what DD is and how to do it. Those traders dont trade us because THEY dont know we are still not see they do DD based on the symbol and they dont understand what is happening with it. Look at how many of them have showed up here and start with question about GSCR from six months ago.
2. Good penny investores that did not get in on this when the 06 run happened are sitting on the side line and waiting for the name and symbol change. They also want to make sure this is not another ECFL, or GBDX or CYKS or PAIM (which finally move after 12 months) they want to see that its REAL
3. Financials, when they come out the investores will come out of the wood work, O/S and float wont mean a damn thing. Any of you ever hear of Revlon, they make cosmetics, they have a O/S of 200 million went from $60.00 PPS to below a buck. They are up this morning because they cut loses from 20 cent a share to 2 cents. For the good investors the ones we want here its about money. Financials will cure that
4. No good investor that has heard of us after the 06 run up is going to get in until thoes three things happen and the last and most important thing...Cornell is done. Look people with money could care less if they can get in at .0050 or .01 get a grip people, big investors dont worry about a lousy 1/2 cent when they want to invest large amount of money. You all act like if you just discovered this company the day it hit a penny it would be to expensive for you to buy in. Shit stop all of this crying over nothing, we are still not a real company, no new symbol no new name no financials...just a bunch of potential, and guess what all of the buyers who buy on potential are in now, that us, the real money will come when the stock proves ITS REAL. Get a life some of you.
If all of you are going to complain so much why aren't you hitting the ask, If you think this is such a bargin basement price hit the ask, if you think its going down and you just cant stand to see it happen hit the ask , or I know why not just quit being such whimpering little fools and be patient.
oh and you forgot to say...and no one cares if Im having a bad day! LOL LOL
Seagate, you know the sister company to Seaway. LOL
No there will not be a trading halt, name changes and you can trade the next day. Only time trading is halted is when something effects the share count in your account. Like a forward or reverse split. Oh and if a company has some legal issues, but not from a name or symbol change.
Easy Viva, it will happen, remember none of what has happened has anything to do with Money, and money talks and B.S walks. What Tom is doing is building his credibility with investors by following up with what has been stated in SEC filings. He stated that the name and symbol change were filed with the proper organizations and now he is following up with that. I agree with Steve the symbol will follow shortly after the 16th. What will then move the stock is the financials and those will follow the name and symbol. I think if I was Tom I would want that good news to come out under the name of the company I founded...Seaway Valley Capitol...not under a name that carries a lot of old and bad feelings toward it..GSCR..I for one will raise my glass of Wild Turkey on the 16th twice once for the dimise of GSCR and once for the birth of SEAWAY VALLEY CAPITOL.
OTCBB, OTCBB was started by the Nasdaq I am pretty sure, but could be wrong.
Just so I can understand your mentality, you believe he is a paid pumper, and you dont trust him,butttt you want to know his share count because you would believe that statement. Do you go back a degree in ignorance or are you still taking classes.
As per my previous post on the name and symblo change and the fact that we wont see any financials for at least two more weeks. I remember seeing where they were expected sometime in the middle of Aug. We should expect very lettle action from the stock this week. What we do see lets hope its Cornell dumping the rest of their shares and more of us smart ones getting more at the bargin basement prices being offered. Have a good day all.
Good Morning All
Someone asked last week why we had said the 16 of Aug was the date, well here is the answer to that question. If this was posted already sorry for the repeat.
GS Carbon Corporation
One Penn Plaza, Suite 1612
New York, New York 10119
To the Holders of the Voting Stock:
The purpose of this Information Statement is to notify you that the holders
of shares representing a majority of the voting stock of GS Carbon Corporation
have given their written consent to a resolution adopted by the Board of
Directors of GS Carbon to amend the certificate of incorporation so as to change
the name of the company to "Seaway Valley Capital Corporation." We anticipate
that this Information Statement will be mailed on July 26, 2007 to shareholders
of record. On or after August 16, 2007, the amendment of the certificate of
incorporation will be filed with the Delaware Secretary of State and become
The Delaware General Corporation Law permits holders of a majority of the
voting power to take shareholder action by written consent. Accordingly, GS
Carbon will not hold a meeting of its shareholders to consider or vote upon the
amendment of its certificate of incorporation.
July 26, 2007 Thomas Scozzafava
We used to have that in chow Viva only it was called $hit on a Shingle. LOL
I dont think they want to mess with a buch of burned out ex service men anyway, at least not if we were sitting in a bar. And one Major still in good standing sorry sir.
In Nam ours were I will keep my head down and the drug use to a minimum.LOL
Hey we got any Marines here, Rdjover is Air Force, Monk is Navy and the Major and I are Army, whos the Marine. Easy I am going to hit the Ask at the end of the day, but not for much. I plan on adding a little each day.
Yes Billion you are correct. First the name change is approved by Deleware, then they submit a request for a new symbol change based on the new name. It will all be done around the later part of the third week of Aug.
On or After Aug. 6, also Deleware requires a 20 day waiting period. And before you ask you can check with them, ah kind of like I did...some call that DD, it was if I read the 8-k right filed with Deleware on July 29 soooo 20 days after July 29 is......
Thanks easy you made my day, now I can go have lunch and enjoy the rest of my day...OT why, becasue I have 5 million shares of PAIM and its up 150% by alllllll
Well its been 24 hours since we had that finance news update, bout time for a cry babby to come out of the wood work and start winning for "News, I need news" "This stock will never move with out NEWS!!" and not picking on anyone, but just how damn many times can someone ask the question When do we get the symbol change and when do we get the financials.. Only guy knows that answer is Tom and he is not going to break any insider trading infomation rules and tell any of us. We all just have to wait and be patient, lets see if the Major will have another melt down on one of these basic trainning guys that was fun.
A happy guy with a bottom line of making money. You are right again Fish,
Tommy its the symbol change and the financials being done together that will make it run. A. New name and symblo attract new investors, not everyone who invests spends their entire day on message boards. B,When financials hit and show, in my opinion, that we are profitable, we then take off.
Righ Billion, see my post number 15245, I think that applies to a lot of people who post here. of coarse that is JMO
Fact: If you have your money in a big brokerage house, like A.G Edwards or Edward Jones and you want to invest in a penny stock they make you sign a wavier stating you understand the risk in volved. Why, becasue they know that investing in this level is like swimming in a shark tank. Well we are in that tank and down at the bottom of the tank is our treasure, Seaway Capitol, we have to swim thur the sharks to get at it. When we get there are reward will be a stock gain of 1 or 2 or 5 hundered percent. If you dont like sharks take your damn money put it in some big company ,go watch Joe, and Becky and Carl on CNBC have them tell you you made 5% for the month get your self all excited, jump up and down have a ball,but quit complaining because we are not moving fast enough to suit your intended agenda. Oh and Good Morning. not intended at you lightbeam used you post
Hey Major, did you read the bios on these ladies, they are impressive. I am real comfortable with this group handling this transaction, and thank you DeDe for your input which I am sure you had. Time for another cocktail and back to the pool. Cheers everyone....glub..glub...scotch and water back the drink that serves all man kind..
I honestly dont think there are more then six people on this board who know how to do DD. I posted in post 15007 a copy of this exact news release thirty min. before it hit the wire. I told all of you that it was on, Steve gave you the same info at around the same time and he got it off of www.Seaway...look if you ever want to know if news is coming out you monitor the web sites. They, any company, is going to put news that effects their employees on the company web page at the exact same time the fire it off to the wire services. The company web page is instant, wire service have to read the story and then get it to copy and have it posted, you all clammer for news but most of you just want someone on a board to spoon feed you. Then you get it and its not good enough, its not moving the PPS, well this is not PPS news, its just follow up and its there to tell you he is working on making this a good company. No more no less, so be greatful for what you got and know that if you are a supporter of Seaway Capitol you will make good money down the road. Thats it for me today, its 95 here in MI and I am going swimming.
You know JusDePomme some of these guys are never happy, they cry "Come on Tom throw us a bone, just something, anything" So this news of financing come out and what do we get..."Wake me when real news hits" This shows that he is not just sitting behind a desk and twiddling his thumbs, he is working on making this a good company to be invested in. So to those of you who are complaining you win the "Mike and Mike ESPN JUST SHUT UP AWARD.
No, internal sites like the Wise Buys and the Seaway site would have it first because it is coming from them it will take the news wires a little longer to post it, but I am sure it will get out there.
See post 15007 for the full news release on Wise Buys financing of the Hacketts buyt out. It is on the Wise Buys web page that is where I got it.
We will see news today wait for Radar used to say at the start of it is
Term Sheet Received for $4,000,000 from the Stillwater Asset Backed Fund LP and The Oxbridge Group
NEW YORK, NY, August 2, 2007 – WiseBuys Stores, Inc. (“WiseBuys”) announced today that it has received a Term Sheet for up to $4 million in financing for the acquisition of Hacketts from New York-based Stillwater Capital Partners, Inc. The financing, which is being arranged and managed by The Oxbridge Group, is subject to final due diligence, the completion of definitive agreements, and $300,000 in additional equity investment.
As reported previously, WiseBuys executed an agreement with Hacketts owners to acquire 100% of the stock of Patrick Hackett Hardware Company (“Hacketts”). Hacketts, which is one of the nation‟s oldest retailers, currently has stores in New York State in the villages of Canton, Ogdensburg, Massena, Potsdam, and Watertown. WiseBuys current locations include Canton, Gouverneur, Hamilton, Pulaski, and Tupper Lake – all also in New York State.
“We are pleased to announce this financing offer, which would facilitate our acquisition of Hacketts,” stated Thomas Scozzafava, a co-founder of WiseBuys and current CFO. “This Stillwater financing would be the bridge capital needed to complete the transaction, and we would then seek traditional bank debt and equity capital to help grow the company,” Mr. Scozzafava added.
The acquisition, which calls for a $1.5 million payment at closing and additional payments of $4.5 million over eight years, includes management agreements for the retention of the founding family members as well as Hacketts current CEO.
About Hackett’s:
Hackett‟s is one of the oldest retail establishments in New York State and the Nation. Its origins date back to 1830 when it was a ships chandlery, wholesale supplier and a traditional hardware store. During its evolution, it would also become a supplier of railroad equipment, builders and contractors‟ supplies, plumbing supplies, steam fitting, tinsmithing, and a large foundry manufacturing many lines of metal plumbing items that you still find in existence today. Over the years, the company has adapted to changing market conditions and evolved into a full line department store focused on premium clothing, footwear, and gift items and today consists of five (5) locations:
(i) Ogdensburg, NY (55,000 sq. ft.) - full line department store also featuring a coffee shop serving breakfast and lunch gourmet specialties called North Water Street Coffee Company;
(ii) Potsdam, NY (41,000 sq. ft.) – a recently-opened (2004) full line department store
(iii) Watertown, NY (56,000 sq. ft.) – newly-opened (4th Qtr „06) full line department store
(iv) Massena, NY (12,700 sq. ft) - Hackett‟s only mall location opened in late 1999 with a focused selection of premium clothing, footwear, and gifts;
(v) Canton, NY - a full line footwear department, apparel for men and women, and a sporting goods department; (this would be closed and the building sold or leased and operations moved to WiseBuys.)
Hackett‟s has an outstanding reputation within the industry as a customer service-focused organization selling premium products at a fair price – both of which differentiate it from “discount” big box retailers.
About WiseBuys:
WiseBuys Stores, Inc. (“WiseBuys”) was formed and began operations in 2003 as a direct result of the closing of small-town retail staple, Ames Department Stores. Founded primarily by lifelong “north country” residents, WiseBuys initially focused its efforts on serving the “discount” retail needs of mostly rural communities throughout northern and central New York.
WiseBuys‟ strategy included an innovative approach whereby it partnered with established and successful specialty discounters to create a “mall without the walls” concept. This innovative approach made easier to expand rapidly (five stores in thirteen months) because less capital was required for inventory, and partnering with niche players made immediately competitive across certain product lines. That is, although WiseBuys has only five stores, its pricing reflected the established purchasing power of Payless, KB Toys, etc. And from the customers‟ perspective,
WiseBuys had created a full line department store virtually over night. The concept was embraced by large, well-established retailers and was heralded in the industry. The following in-store retail partnerships with both national and regional chains were established: Payless ShoeSource, Inc. – “store-within-a-store” deal across chain KB Toys Inc. – exclusive license agreement “KB Toys at WiseBuys” branded department RadioShack – franchise acquisitions Card$mart, Inc. – franchise acquisitions Home Fashion Distributor, Inc. – consignment inventory deal for domestics Masters, Inc. – leased department deal for apparel (consignment inventory) Massey’s Furniture Barn, Inc. – consignment inventory deal for furniture & mattresses
In addition, WiseBuys won such awards as the “New York State Small Business Development Center Excellence Award” (April ‟04) and the “Oswego County Job Creation Award” (June ‟04). WiseBuys current stores include the following:
(i) Canton, NY (40,000 sq. ft.) - full line department store;
(ii) Gouverneur, NY (53,000 sq. ft.) – full line department store;
(iii) Hamilton, NY (43,000 sq. ft.) – full line department store;
(iv) Pulaski, NY (59,000 sq. ft) - full line department store; and
(v) Tupper Lake, NY (34,000 sq. ft.) - full line department store.
Both WiseBuys and Hacketts will be subject to completed audited financials. WiseBuys recently engaged Syracuse-based accounting firm Dannible & McKee, LLP ( to complete these audits.
GS Carbon, which was acquired by Seaway Capital and is changing its name to Seaway Valley Capital Corporation, is seeking additional debt and equity investments in retail, restaurants, media, business services, manufacturing, and technology companies.
About Seaway Capital, Inc.
Seaway Capital, Inc., which was formed in 2002 as “Seaway Capital Partners, LLC”, makes equity and equity-related investments in companies that require expansion capital and in companies pursuing acquisition strategies. Seaway Capital also seeks investments in leveraged buyouts and restructurings and will consider investment opportunities in a number of different industries, including retail, restaurants, media, business services, and manufacturing. Seaway Capital will also consider select technology investments.
Safe Harbor Statement
This press release contains statements that may constitute "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Securities Act of 1933 and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended by the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Those statements include statements regarding the intent, belief or current expectations of the Company, and members of their management as well as the assumptions on which such statements are based. Prospective investors are cautioned that any such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve risks and uncertainties, and that actual results may differ materially from those contemplated by such forward-looking statements. Important factors currently known to management that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward-statements include fluctuation of operating results, the ability to compete successfully and the ability to complete before-mentioned transactions. The company undertakes no obligation to update or revise forward-looking statements to reflect changed assumptions, the occurrence of unanticipated events or changes to future operating results.
For more information, please contact:
Seaway Capital Corporation
Investor Relations:
Andrew Hellman
CEOcast, Inc.
Phone: 212-732-4300
Hey Para-noia where you been we have ran that subject into the ground. Its been covered from all anything we havent talked about or are you just out basing for lunch
Steve did you get the email on the name change,and do you want to comment.
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