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If TLT drop under 100, it will
make bond holders panic (margin calls). But I doubt it's bernanke concern now. he will push him money scam to the extreme before he leave office.
4% 10 year? no way,
when tnx up to 4%, yellen has to call of QE3/4.
ECB plan to flush trillion QE, euro keep
heading higher? Make no sense to me.
Still, not enough panic for GS to
drive it up to new high yet. GS need to lure in enough put gamblers. Maybe around spx 1777.
GDP 3.6% and jobless under 300K?
This is the data for bull market. Unless these numbers can make ben to stop QE3/4 which I doubt, new highs continue.
The drop due to possible taper is plain bogus. bernanke won't allow any substantial correction before he leaves office Jan 2014.
No action at ECB meeting today?
as I said, more pain to go for gold/silver/PMs.
Now the question is, will ECB does QE at Jan 2014?
cone: it's my own analysis which in line
with GS call $1050. No proven record, so I can't explain it to mislead people. Obviously no one believe gold will drop to that level $1100 here, except GS. Though I am insist, I maybe wrong.
ECB meeting today is very important. ECB QE? how much? We will know at open.
Correction: Da_cheif called Dow 16000,
rotor: yes, my called was based on GS,
what else you need to know?
Da_cheif called Dow 16500, I called the
gold $1100 since the beginning of 2013. No one seems to believe it here.
Not enough panic for FOMC rally yet,
GS need to trap in enough individual put gamblers before they rally market to new high.
How much ECB QE tomorrow will
decide how far down gold/silver/PMs can go. But if ECB delay its QE announce to Jan 2014, more pain to go.
The pain will be on those short the market and/or
long the gold individuals - most in this board. GS will force you to cover/sell as tax loss till last day of 2013.
Usually GS trade 50 million spy shares daily and
others hold the opposite positions. now this low volumn means, only GS left in the trading ( change shares between GS own hands) and most individuals are gone - scare to buy and fear to short.
Light pull backs is expected, the key is to new high when ben speak at the day of Dec FOMC meeting. 1820 is my call and 1847 is the idea target for Dec based on endless QE3/QE4.
Bears only hope is, bernanke to stop the
QE3/QE4 at Jan 2014 FOMC meeting, right before he leaves. But chance is very low. There is no benefit for ben to make such move.
GS new order up to spx 1812 as now,
have fun.
Most currencies are weaken relative to USD, except euro
which suppose to flush trillion soon. Any sense?
If spx 1808 is the high this month, add
another 39 point, spx 1847 maybe the high for dec 2013. It can certainly continue if ben does nothing at dec FOMC meeting as I expect.
Those don't follow me closely may think I am joking about this markets. A casino anyway.
GS is very quiet with no new order yet,
hmmmm, interesting.
cone: most here still don't believe in QEs after
5 years and my relentless explanations, how do you expect investors participated Japan huge rally (75%) since they announced 1.5 trillion QE early 2013 right after ben QE3/4?
So the rally is far from over. We may see some pull backs, but not "the top" as every one talk daily here.
NW: it doesn't work this way,
Japan issued 1.5 trillion USD QE from 2014 to 2015. If japan has the same size of US, it would rallied 75% (every trillion rally 50% as I said least 100 times here). But japan is only 1/3 US GDP. So the same amount of QE would have 3 times impact. That means NIKK may rally over 200% (75%x3) after all the said and down, not just 75% as now (coincidence?).
Again, most here still refuse to understand
bernanke's QE scam. As long as 85B/month QE continue, spx rally 39 points per month. So if no one stop QE3/QE4, we may see spx 2000 in 5 more months.
This could bring us to Dow 1"7"7"7"7" jack pot.
You can keep shorting as most did here, but
as I said numerious times, GS will drive the market to new high at FOMC meeting at Dec 18. Unless benanke calls the end of QE3/QE4. Not a chance.
bernake wants to leave the office as honor as a GOD at record stock markets (save the global stock markets with QEs) at Jan 2014, so he won't do anything at Dec meeting. He may call the end at his last FOMC meeting by surprise at Jan 25, 2014. But I am not so sure at this yet. Again, only GS knows.
For gold, ECB QE is the only factor,
when and how much will decide the gold bottom, not american QE taper. I know fed will never taper under ben and yellen before Nov 2014.
Yellen will keep QE3/QE4 continue to Nov 2014. So any problem, she can always blame on bernanke. If bernanke smart enough, he should call off QE3/QE4 before he leave office Jan 2014 and let yellen start her own QEs. But bernanke probably doesn't care.
Believe in GS, for most gold buyers,
your question is can gold hold on at Gs target $1050. You still have few weeks to figure it out.
In stock markets, GS is the God or claimed to do the God work. But don't complain, you american are the ones gave them (obama/bernanke/GS) the power.
No GS new order yet, but I won't be
surprised to see spx 1820 if spx close above 1800 today. bears pain continue as those scam VXX, UVXY, TZA, FAZ triple bear funds.
that's why I said, this rally will end 2 months
before QE3/QE4 stop - no sign yet. Why this time be different?
with Yellen confirmed, are all good news in?
what these GOPs can do?
Yellen needs 51 votes to be confirmed, after the Senate changed its rules for filibusters Thursday afternoon.
GS see 15% loss in gold to $1050,
Once yellen get confirmed, so is this call.
The fed bogus hint of taper as June will pull back
the market, but not enough to break the uptrend since Nov 2012. Once no action again in Dec/Jan meetings, the rally continue. The gold will suffer more with this bogus talk.
put gamblers keep pile in with sky high CPC/CPCE,
it's not over yet. look like yellen is a done deal.
The long uptrend since bernanke started
his money flush QE scam March 2009 won't end until QE stop. I still can't figure out what can end the QE? No answer yet.
One possibility is after Nov 2014 mid term election. Once dem maintain the senate majority (I don't how these dumm GOPs can win it), obama is safe to screw up american the rest of his term. Once yellen realize dem won't win 2016 presidential election. She may choose to stop QE asap to help republican, so she can get her 2nd term under republican at 2018. This is my best guess, but it may not pan out this way.
So shorting now is definitely a risk as following chat - endless cliff. Unless you are so sure QE end tomorrow, can you?
Very pathetic volume, GS along control
least 50 million shares spy daily volume. It's only 15 million traded so far.
Patiently wait for GS new order,
not over yet.
When the Fed loses control? Again, it's
like asking When the gambler stop gambling. Why it so difficult to understand?
The 12 months rally is comparable to past
March 2003 and March 2009 one year rallies. So a pending correction look reasonable with no more good news after yellen becomes next fed chairwoman, but only GS knows.
Actually, I shouldn't say republican congresses can
end the QE. No matter how hard they try, dem controlled senate will reject it and obama will veto it. So they can only pretend they are trying.
cone: it will end when someone physically
stop the QE scam, not in a remote future. american gave up their rights to obama till 2016. If they realize it at Nov 2014 election, it may end early. But I doubt as I said most american still have idea about this money scam.
Republican congresses can end it anytime, but we know they works for riches and have no intention to end it.
Now, the only one can end it is next fed chairman. Will she? I havn't figured out yet.